Climate policy, environmental justice,
and local air pollution
Meredith Fowlie
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley
Reed Walker
Haas School of Business and Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley
David Wooley
Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley
This report is available online at: https://www.brookings.edu
The Brookings Economic Studies program analyzes current
and emerging economic issues facing the United States and the
world, focusing on ideas to achieve broad-based economic
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works and what can be done to make it work better.
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
About the authors ..............................................................................................................3
Statement of independence ................................................................................................3
Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................3
Introduction .......................................................................................................................4
Disproportionate pollution burden and regulatory failure .................................................6
A California climate policy experiment ............................................................................ 10
An important course correction ....................................................................................... 12
Early experience with AB 617 ........................................................................................... 15
Insights for federal and state policymakers ...................................................................... 18
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 21
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
Meredith Fowlie is the Class of 1935 Chair in Energy & Associate Professor of Agricultural and
Resource Economics at the University of California, Berkeley.
Reed Walker is the Transamerica Associate Professor of Business Strategy & Associate Professor
of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley.
David Wooley is Director of the Environmental Center at UC Berkeley Goldman School of Public
The authors did not receive financial support from any firm or person for this article or from any firm
or person with a financial or political interest in this article. None of the authors are currently an officer,
director, or board member of any organization with an interest in this article. The Environmental Cen-
ter at UC Berkeley Goldman School of Public Policy has received funding from the Bay Area Air
Quality Management District for participation in the abatement planning process in West Oakland
under California’s AB 617 legislation.
We thank Alice Kaswan, Jonathan London, Wesley Look, and Adele Morris for helpful comments
and feedback, and Kenneth Lai and Lily McIver for helpful research assistance.
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
Left unmitigated, climate change will have increasingly large negative impacts throughout
the U.S. economy. Accordingly, climate change has become a defining economic issue. It is
also, fundamentally, a social justice issue. A changing climate will disproportionately im-
pact low-income communities and communities of color (USGCRP, 2018). Investments in
climate change mitigation and adaptation could reduce or increase social and environ-
mental inequalities in the United States, depending on how climate policies are designed
and implemented.
Given these high stakes, the environmental justice movement has become an influential
voice in the climate policy discourse. Through the lens of distributive justice, the movement
has elevated concerns about disproportionate impacts of climate change, the distribution
of climate policy benefits, and the incidence of climate change mitigation and adaptation
costs. Through the lens of participatory justice, more substantive engagement of marginal-
ized communities in the policy process is seen by many as an essential step towards achiev-
ing more equitable outcomes.
This paper explores linkages between U.S. climate policy, environmental justice (EJ), and
local air pollution. Policy proposals recently introduced by Democrats place EJ concerns at
the heart of the climate policy agenda.
To gain insight into how this policy imperative could
be implemented, we draw lessons from recent legislative and regulatory experiences in Cal-
ifornia. In 2006, California began a path-breaking experiment to incorporate EJ concerns
into an ambitious climate change mitigation agenda. We review this experience to date,
noting some early pitfalls and subsequent course corrections. We base this analysis on our
own research and policy engagement. We do not represent or claim to speak for the EJ
The environmental justice movement in the United States dates back to the late 1970s when
community activism and scholarship drew attention to the disproportionate siting of haz-
ardous waste facilities in low-income minority communities.
Subsequent research has
documented striking inequities in the cumulative exposure of low income and racial mi-
nority communities to many forms of pollution, in addition to other social stressors.
the past 50 years, remarkable improvements in environmental quality have been achieved
under the Clean Air Act (Currie and Walker 2019, Aldy et al. 2020). However, some low-
income communities still bear a disproportionate burden of persistent environmental
harms from air pollution.
There is an important connection between local air pollution exposure, environmental jus-
tice, and policies that aim to mitigate climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs)
. . .
1. Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force Recommendations released 7/8/2020.
2. Whereas the protests in Warren County, South Carolina are often cited as the birthplace of the EJ move-
ment, EJ concerns had emerged as a galvanizing issue well before. See, for example, Taylor (1997).
3. These findings have been synthesized by Bullard (1994), Cole and Foster (2001), Bowen (2002), Mohai,
Pellow, and Roberts (2009), London et al (2008), and Timmins et al (2019).
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
are often co-emitted with other pollutants that impact local air quality. If efforts to reduce
GHGs also reduce these harmful co-pollutants, climate policies can indirectly cause local
air quality improvements. These “co-benefits can be substantial (see e.g., Aldy et al. 2020).
For example, under the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan to limit GHGs from
power plants, it was projected that 60 percent of the benefits would come from reductions
in precursors to local and regional air pollution that were not directly targeted by the reg-
Addressing local air pollution problems can have an important role to play in building po-
litical support for domestic action on climate change.
In this paper, we look to a jurisdic-
tion that has been working to combine stringent climate goals with unprecedented empha-
sis on social justice and local air quality. Starting with the Global Warming Solutions Act
of 2006, California has positioned itself on the leading edge of policy innovation in this
We review the California experience to date, paying particular attention to lessons that
could be instructive for other jurisdictions. Under the Global Warming Solutions Act, or
AB 32, tensions quickly surfaced as government agencies endeavored to address climate
change and local air pollution two fundamentally different problems under the same
regulatory framework. Disagreements about the appropriate scope of policy emphasis were
one source of conflict. A related controversy stemmed from disagreements over the role of
market-based greenhouse gas (GHG) regulations. Whereas economists and many policy
makers generally favor market-based mechanisms for GHG reductions (e.g., cap-and-trade
or a carbon tax), EJ advocates have vehemently opposed California’s GHG cap-and-trade
program on the grounds that it fails to guarantee local air quality improvements. A third
source of tension was process related; although the 2006 legislation included several pro-
visions that were intended to give “fenceline” communities a seat at the table, these efforts
initially fell short.
Negotiating these challenges led to important policy refinements, many of which have been
codified in new legislation. Assembly Bill 617 (AB 617) was designed to directly address
ongoing issues of local air pollution in disadvantaged communities, recognizing that the
existing provisions under AB 32 and the Clean Air Act were insufficient. AB 617 is not a
climate change policy, but it is an important companion bill that was designed in direct
response to frustrations with the initial climate policy framework. It is groundbreaking in
at least two ways: First, it attempts to overcome significant limitations of the Clean Air Act
in both identifying and addressing local pollution “hotspots”.
Second, AB 617 uniquely
. . .
4. In July 2019, a coalition of EJ and state, local and national environmental groups announced creation of a
“National Platform” to confront racial, economic, and EJ. Among the objectives of the coalition are to enact
solutions to address the “legacy of pollution” and environmental harms in overburdened communities
(Source: https://www.americanprogress.org/press/release/2019/07/18/472265/environmental-justice-na-
tional-environmental-groups-advance-historic-joint-climate-platform/, Accessed on July 24, 2020).
5. The existing EPA air pollution monitoring network is extremely sparse and incapable of measuring air quality
at neighborhood levels. Hsiang, Oliva, and Walker (2019) point out that out of 3144 counties, only 1289 have
monitors for any “criteria” air pollutant (i.e. pollutants regulated under the Clean Air Act) at any point between
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
empowers communities in the regulatory process by having them work directly with regu-
lators to create legally binding roadmaps for addressing local environmental issues. In do-
ing so, AB 617 also provides communities with significantly expanded air pollution moni-
toring networks to better identify and address local air quality issues.
California’s joint implementation of an ambitious climate change policy agenda together
with a targeted effort to mitigate inequities in both pollution exposure and policy partici-
pation could serve as a model for other jurisdictions.
Although it is too early to tell whether
AB 617 will succeed in eliminating persistent pollution exposure and process inequities, we
see some reasons for optimism. The approach is laying foundations for local air quality
improvements in neighborhoods that existing regulations have failed to protect.
In what follows, we first consider why disparities in pollution exposure have persisted un-
der seemingly comprehensive federal and state air pollution regulations. Specifically, Sec-
tion 2 discusses the primary reasons why the Clean Air Act has failed to address many areas
of persistent environmental inequality. Section 3 introduces California’s earlier efforts to
address climate change, and local air quality problems, within the same policy framework.
Sections 4 and 5 introduce AB 617 and take stock of implementation progress to date. Sec-
tion 6 suggests lessons for other jurisdictions. Section 7 concludes.
Disproportionate pollution burden and
regulatory failure
An enormous body of evidence documents that low-income and/or minority communities
are disproportionately exposed to various sources of air and water pollution such as refin-
eries, congested highways, and/or hazardous waste or superfund sites.
While proximity to
these emissions sources is certainly correlated with exposures, it has been difficult to com-
prehensively measure disparities in pollution exposure given the sparseness of the air pol-
lution monitoring network in the United States. For example, fewer than 20 percent of U.S.
counties contain a regulatory-grade device capable of monitoring small particulates
. . .
1990-2015. Carlson (2018) provides a useful overview of how the Clean Air Act is poorly suited for address-
ing local, “hotspot” air pollution problems.
6. Recently, other states have started down a similar path. For example, in late 2019, New York legislature
adopted a bill that makes many important changes to the state’s climate protection law. NY State Climate
Leadership and Community Protection Act (S.6599/A.8429) includes provisions that are remarkably similar
to California’s AB 617. https://legislation.nysenate.gov/pdf/bills/2019/S6599. The bill is described as having
the most aggressive climate target in the US (Roberts, 2019). Presidential candidate Joseph Biden has
proposed a climate change plan that integrates several key features of the California model. Elements of
the Biden Plan include: tools to identify communities most threatened by local air pollution and climate
change; new air quality monitoring for “fenceline” communities; a public health corps to help communities
access and act on local air pollution information (Source: https://joebiden.com/environmental-justice/, ac-
cessed on July 24, 2020).
7. See Banzhaf, Ma, and Timmins (2019a, 2019b) for recent reviews of the economics literature on environ-
mental inequality. Brulle and Pellow (2006) provide a useful overview from the public health community.
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
(Fowlie, Rubin, and Walker, 2019). Hence, while we know that there are racial differences
in the proximity to toxic facilities, hazardous waste sites, and road networks, discerning
what these differences imply for measured exposures is difficult.
Fortunately, recent advances in low-cost monitoring technology and remote sensing now
allow a more complete understanding of the spatial variation in air pollution exposure. For
example, satellite imagery, can provide highly granular measurements of certain pollutants
for the entire United States on a daily basis (see e.g., Di et al. 2016, Von Donkelaar et al.
2015). Similarly, low cost monitors allow individuals and community groups to measure
air quality in their neighborhoods (Caubel, 2019). These technologies are transforming our
understanding of disparities in pollution exposure and how these disparities have evolved
over time. For example, Currie, Voorheis, and Walker (2020) use granular, satellite-de-
rived measures of PM2.5 to show how the black-white racial gap in PM2.5 exposure has
narrowed considerably over the past 20 years.
These technological advances have exposed some important limitations of the Clean Air
Act (CAA) (Carlson 2018). By many measures, the CAA and its implementing regulations
have been incredibly successful in improving air quality. For example, average concentra-
tions of air pollutants such as particulate matter and ozone have fallen by, in many cases,
85 to 90 percent since 1980 (Currie and Walker 2019). Air toxics emissions have also
dropped significantly.
This success notwithstanding, local air quality problems can endure
under seemingly comprehensive regulations owing to shortcomings in the three most im-
portant components of the CAA.
First, the CAA and its subsequent amendments (CAAA) include a system of health-based
national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS). Compliance with these standards is as-
sessed using a network of monitoring stations that measure average air pollution concen-
trations at “representative” locations. One shortcoming of this approach is that the network
of ambient air quality monitors is sparse. Historically, it has been far too expensive to main-
tain a dense network of air quality monitors.
The problem is that regionally representative
monitor measurement can mask enormous differences in air quality across neighborhoods
within the region.
Thus, there are communities in areas that the Environmental Protec-
tion Agency (EPA) deems in “attainment” (a.k.a. compliance) that regularly experience pol-
lution levels above the regulatory standard (Fowlie, Rubin, and Walker, 2019).
. . .
8. By 2014 Benzene emissions were down 66 percent, mercury down 60 percent, and lead down 84 percent
(compared to 1990). Source: https://www.epa.gov/urban-air-toxics/fact-sheet-second-integrated-urban-air-
toxics-report-congress (accessed on July 15, 2020).
9. EPA’s monitoring regulations appear in 40 C.F.R. §52 app. D (2016).
10. As one point of reference, we used Census block measurements of PM2.5 from Di et al (2016) to calculate
the difference between the cleanest and dirtiest Census block within every county in the US in 2015. The
average within-county difference in PM2.5 between the cleanest and dirtiest Census block in a county was
7 𝜇g/m
. The largest within-county difference in neighborhoods was 22 𝜇g/m
. The CAA NAAQS for PM2.5
is an annual mean, averaged over 3 years, of 12.0 𝜇g/m
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
Another shortcoming of the NAAQS program lies in the EPA’s limited ability to force com-
pliance with air quality standards. The most effective means of bringing an area into com-
pliance involves imposing various sanctions on states, but this option is rarely invoked.
Rather, progress is usually achieved through more subtle forms of cajoling, financial incen-
tives, tighter permitting and technical assistance. This process is slow, such that it can take
decades to bring polluted areas into attainment.
A second pillar of the CAA is a suite of standards and permitting requirements used to
restrict emissions from stationary sources, such as power plants and industrial facilities.
These rules supplement NAAQS by requiring permit applicants to monitor and model air
quality around their proposed sites and employ emission controls for criteria pollutants.
Major sources must also limit emissions of hazardous air pollutants with up-to-date emis-
sion control equipment. One reason why these source-specific regulations can fail to ade-
quately protect local communities is that the permitting process is mainly prospective, re-
lying on engineering estimates or emissions factors to permit the majority of stationary
source emissions. With the important exception of power plants, EPA has limited regula-
tory capacity to continuously monitor emissions or air quality impacts from a facility once
it has been permitted. Accordingly, evidence suggests that large industrial sources, like oil
refineries, have actual emissions that can be orders of magnitude higher than limits pre-
scribed in the air quality permit (Cuclis 2012, Hoyt and Raun 2015). By using only engi-
neering-based emissions factors, regulators may be unable to assess the complaints of res-
idents who can smell the chemicals and regularly experience respiratory problems. Once
permitted, regulators and community members have limited ability to enforce limits on
new stationary ambient exposure, and emissions monitoring requirements at many facili-
ties are limited.
A third category of CAAA regulations targets mobile sources. Heavy-duty trucks, freight
operations, and passenger cars are leading causes of hotspot pollution. The CAA authorizes
the EPA to set emission standards for new mobile sources and requires inspection and
maintenance (I&M) of some types of existing vehicles in NAAQS nonattainment areas. To
promote uniformity, however, the law generally bars states and local agencies from setting
mobile source emissions standards, with one big exception; California can set vehicle emis-
sion standards that are stricter than EPA’s if EPA grants a “waiver,” after which other states
can follow California’s lead. This jurisdictional structure implies that regional and local
agencies, who are arguably in the best position to address local air pollution problems, have
limited authority over mobile source emissions. States can regulate the operation of vehi-
cles, for example, through limits on access to ports by older model trucks, limits on idling
of truck engines, prohibitions on heavy duty vehicles in certain neighborhoods and I&M
requirements for vehicles (beyond those required for nonattainment areas). While these
federal and state measures do reduce mobile source emissions, they can’t be targeted to
mobile source hotspots (with the exception of road and port access rules). Moreover, it
takes time for the vehicle fleet turn-over. Thus, federal and state vehicle emission standards
targeting new vehicles work slowly to reduce emissions.
California, despite its long history of adopting mobile source emission standards stronger
than federal rules, is home to some of the most polluted communities in the country (Amer-
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
ican Lung Association, 2020). Communities near ports, rail yards, warehouses, and free-
ways experience a higher concentration of air pollution than other areas due to emissions
from cars, trucks, locomotives, and ships (CARB 2018). Figure 1 helps to illustrate how
pollution measurements taken at one location misrepresent exposure levels only a few
miles away. These figures are generated from thousands of monitor measurements in West
Oakland collected using instruments mounted on Google Streetview cars (Apte et. al 2017).
The figures show how neighborhoods located near highways experience much higher pol-
lution levels of Black Carbon, NO, and NO
than other neighborhoods. Many of these same
communities also experience pollution impacts from other sources such as ports, oil refin-
eries, and metal recycling facilities.
Figure 1: Pollution hotspots in Oakland, CA as identified by Google
Streetview Air Quality Monitoring Project
Source: Apte et. al 2017
Note: Within West Oakland, some areas had 5-8 times higher pollution levels than others within a
4km radius. Many parts of the neighborhood had higher air pollution levels, as indicated by dark
red and black, than those measured by the central regulatory monitor. The leftmost figure shows
measurement of black carbon (BC), the middle figure shows measurements of NO, and the right-
most figure shows measurements of NO2.
Hyper-local air quality problems, such as those experienced in parts of West Oakland, have
galvanized EJ groups in California to demand progress. By the time California began to
develop its comprehensive climate policy framework, the EJ movement was firmly estab-
lished and in position to influence legislative and regulatory processes.
While there is a long history of public involvement in environmental regulation in the
United States, community engagement (such as public comment periods on pending regu-
lations or environmental impact assessments) often comes late in the process. This has
made it hard for community involvement to substantively change the outcome (Chess and
Purcell 1999). Thus, along with concerns about local pollution exposure, calls for increased
representation and participation were an important consideration in the design stages of
California’s landmark climate change policy framework.
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
A California climate policy experiment
California is on the front lines of climate change. Increasingly intense forest fires, coastal
flooding and erosion, prolonged droughts, and higher temperatures have galvanized efforts
to pursue aggressive GHG emissions reductions. In 2006, California passed the Global
Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), which at the time was the most significant climate change
legislation in the country. Under the auspices of AB 32, California has implemented a suite
of policies to reduce in-state GHG emissions and develop low carbon solutions that can be
deployed in other states and nations.
From the outset, AB 32 sought to also improve local air quality problems, in addition to
climate change mitigation. Along these lines, AB 32 included several provisions to address
distributive and procedural dimensions of EJ concerns. Kaswan (2019) argues that this
emphasis allowed California to “overcome the fears and resistance that more narrowly con-
ceived climate policies often spark.
To address disproportionate exposure to local air pollution in some communities, AB 32
legislation directed the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to maximize additional
environmental and economic co-benefits for California and complement the state's efforts
to improve air quality. Acknowledging concerns about market-based GHG regulations,
CARB was required to consider the potential for direct, indirect, and cumulative emissions
impacts from these mechanisms, including localized impacts in communities that are al-
ready impacted by air pollution.’’
AB 32 also mandated a suite of procedural changes that were designed to give community
advocates a seat at the table. Researchers, activists, and policy makers have argued for pol-
icies that formalize mechanisms of community input, create greater legitimacy for commu-
nity demands, educate citizens about their rights, and support local monitoring efforts
(O’Rourke 2004). Under AB32, an EJ advisory committee (EJAC) was chartered. Policy
planning workshops in communities with minority and low-income populations were re-
quired. CARB added two voting members with experience on EJ issues and a new executive
position to coordinate with EJ communities.
Overall, the language of AB 32 was unprecedented in its emphasis on EJ concerns and ob-
jectives. However, the practical implementation of this landmark legislation encountered
some formidable challenges. In a candid assessment of the first implementation phase (i.e.
2006-2012), London et al. (2013) describe a “seemingly intractable conflict” between state
agencies and the EJ communities. In our view, three fundamental sources of tension merit
careful consideration by other jurisdictions pursuing similar policy directions.
One source of conflict is the GHG cap-and-trade program. Economists and many policy
makers see carbon pricing as an essential mechanism to incentivize economy-wide invest-
ments in the most cost-effective emissions abatement opportunities while also raising rev-
enues to fund other policy objectives. In contrast, the EJ community has strongly opposed
the GHG cap-and-trade program. Much of this opposition is rooted in a distrust of market-
based policy solutions and concerns about the flexibility that firms have when complying
with these regulations. Whereas economists view this flexibility as critical to ensuring cost-
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
effective emissions reductions, EJ groups see reduced opportunity for community input
and agency.
Community advocates have also been concerned that emissions permit trading would allow
for continued (or increased) exposure of disadvantaged communities to co-emitted local
To date, the weight of the evidence suggests that emissions trading programs
in California have delivered equal or greater air quality benefits to disadvantaged commu-
nities (see, for example, Fowlie et al. 2012; Grainger and Ruangmas, 2017; Mansur and
Sheriff, 2019). However, the extent to which the GHG emissions trading has impacted local
air quality in different neighborhoods has been hard to disentangle because the introduc-
tion of the cap-and-trade program coincided with several other economic and policy
A second, related source of tension concerns the appropriate scope of AB 32 and the range
of pollution issues it should address. Although the language of AB 32 promised to address
both local pollution problems and climate change mitigation, this broad scope was difficult
to negotiate in practice. For example, EJ advocates wanted to see restrictions on GHG per-
mit trading that prioritized ancillary health benefits and co-pollutant emissions reductions
in specific locations.
Because targeting GHG reductions at specific sources could signifi-
cantly increase the cost of achieving the states ambitious GHG reduction targets, these
suggestions did not find broad support. Economists and other stakeholders argued that
trying to use climate policy to address two fundamentally different problems local and
global pollution would undermine progress on both fronts (see, for example, Borenstein,
2017; Fowlie, 2017). These arguments are correct in theory. But after decades of dispropor-
tionate harm, fenceline communities were understandably frustrated by the suggestion
that it would be more administratively efficient to rely on the existing regulatory frame-
work under the CAA as a means of addressing local pollution problems (Schatzki and
Stavins, 2018), especially in light of the CAA failures highlighted above.
. . .
11. See, e.g., EJ Advisory Committee, Recommendations and Comments of the EJ Advisory Committee on
the Implementation of the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32) on the Draft Scoping Plan (2008),
12. Cushing et al. (2018) compare facility-level emissions during the first three years of the GHG cap-and-
trade program against emissions in the years immediately preceding. These authors find that emissions
were less likely to decrease at facilities located in close proximity to disadvantaged communities. This dif-
ferential trend is difficult to interpret because of many confounding factors that impacted facilities differently
over this time period (such as recession impacts). A more recent study revisits this question using a longer
time series and a more sophisticated model of how local air pollution disperses over space (Hernandez-
Cortes and Meng, 2020). On the basis of estimated average impacts of the program on facility-level emis-
sions, these authors conclude that California’s GHG trading program has reduced inequities in local air
pollution exposure. However, because this study focuses on average exposure, it does not fully address
EJ concerns about inequities in the distribution of pollution across neighborhoods.
13. See, for example, proposed amendments to Assembly Bill No. 378 (AB 378) would have imposed individual
facility GHG emissions caps and empowered the California Air Resources Board (ARB) to establish “no-
trade zones.”
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
A third, and related, point of conflict has stemmed from the nature of the interactions be-
tween CARB and the EJ community. Throughout the AB 32implementation process, EJAC
members expressed frustration that CARB was failing to comply with procedural require-
ments, and that their input was not being taken seriously. In 2009, seven of the eleven
members of the EJAC joined a lawsuit against CARB alleging that the implementation of
AB 32 was misaligned with the legislative intent to protect EJ communities.
When it came time to launch the second, more ambitious phase of GHG emissions reduc-
tions in 2017, these points of conflict had not been resolved. EJ groups fiercely opposed
renewing the GHG cap-and-trade program. Proponents argued that carbon pricing was es-
sential to both GHG abatement cost minimization and revenue generation. Ultimately, a
critical compromise was reached.
The GHG cap-and-trade program was extended. How-
ever, rather than relying on climate change policies to deliver local air quality improve-
ments, the state promised to tackle local air pollution concerns more directly through Cal-
ifornia’s Assembly Bill 617.
An important course correction
AB 617 responds directly to two enduring frustrations. First, local air pollution problems
were not being adequately addressed. Second, despite the emphasis that AB 32 placed on
community engagement and procedural justice, local community groups continued to feel
that their input was not being valued or integrated into policy design or implementation.
AB 617 provides unprecedented levels of support for public engagement in the develop-
ment of comprehensive, community-level emission reduction plans.
AB 617 also includes
new regulatory authority and funding to expand local air pollution monitoring systems to
better diagnose and monitor local pollution hotspot problems in communities.
A selected set of California communities with high cumulative exposure burdens from toxic
air contaminants and criteria air pollutants were identified as possible candidates for the
program. From this list, CARB selected 10 communities to participate in the first round of
AB 617.
These ten communities were placed into one of three regulatory tracks: enhanced
community air monitoring, community emissions reduction plan, or both.
. . .
14. London et al. (2013) provides an excellent discussion of this lawsuit, (AIR vs. CARB, Case No. 09-509562),
and subsequent court action.
15. A number of EJ groups were not supportive of this compromise, including Communities for a Better Envi-
16. The implementation process has been guided by a Community Air Protection Blueprint developed by
CARB. Blueprint documents are available at: https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/capp-blueprint
17. CARB selected three additional communities to participate in AB 617 in the second year of the program.
18. There was a mixed process of proposing communities for selection: in some places, such as Imperial,
Oakland and the SJV, the community organizations played a very strong role in proposing the 617 sites
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
Figure 2: Communities participating in California’s AB 617 community emis-
sions reduction and air monitoring plan
Source: https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/news/carb-adds-more-california-neighborhoods-disadvantaged-communities-
statewide-community-air (Accessed: July 24, 2020).
Once communities were selected, local air districts helped create multi-stakeholder com-
munity steering committees (CSC). These CSCs include a wide range of community stake-
holders, including residents, local businesses, and labor groups. The committee is first
tasked with identifying community issues and concerns, determining the final geographic
boundary of the community being served, and facilitating community outreach and en-
gagement. The local air district works with the steering committee to establish a charter to
clearly set out the committee process and structure. This charter sets out a roadmap for
developing and implementing a community emissions reduction plan.
In monitoring communities,” CSCs were tasked with developing a community air moni-
toring plan (CAMP). These plans determined the location and types of air quality monitor-
ing to be used. Once established, the local monitors help to characterize local air quality
. . .
while in others such as Richmond and Sacramento the district played the primary role. This was largely a
function of the range of existing community organization capacity in these places.
19. AB 617 allocated funds to help local organizations engage closely in the steering committee and emissions
reduction plan process. CARB and state legislators hoped to build organizational capacity to become active
partners to identify, evaluate, and ultimately reduce exposure to harmful air emissions. To date, CARB has
disbursed $10 million in the Community Air Grants Program (Air Grants), although some have suggested
that additional funds are needed to compensate for the significant time burdens associated with steering
committee membership (London 2020).
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
conditions and identify the sources contributing to local air quality problems. The expec-
tation, for the three communities that only received enhanced community air monitoring,
is that the monitor data will help provide important information for future emissions re-
duction strategies, including community emissions reduction plans. Community-based
monitoring and planning not only compensate for gaps in the national network of air pol-
lution monitors, but also reinforce local community engagement in the regulatory process.
Community Emissions Reduction Plans (CERP) establish priorities, identify specific strat-
egies for emissions reductions, and define schedules for implementation. The goal is to
identify a strategy to address air pollution from stationary, mobile, and area-wide sources
that contribute to the cumulative emissions and exposure burden in these communities.
CERPs must include new actions (e.g., regulations, enforcement, incentives, enforceable
agreements) that go beyond existing regulatory efforts to further reduce air pollution dis-
parities. CARB provides specific guidance on the types of actions and the process for iden-
tifying and evaluating local pollution reduction strategies to be included as part of each
community emissions reduction program.
While the individual strategies will vary by
community, the statewide criteria establish a minimum baseline for the types of strategies
to be considered and discussed with the community steering committees.
Considerable discretion is left to community steering committees as to how deep to cut
emissions affecting a community. This discretion is important to allow communities the
autonomy to chart their own course. But it has also contributed to tensions between com-
munities and air districts (London et al. 2020). The law states only that the measures
should be cost-effective, address both mobile and stationary sources, and result in emission
reductions in the community. All emissions reduction plans must ultimately be approved
by CARB. Compliance with the community emissions reduction program is enforceable by
the air district and CARB. The language suggests that the emission reduction plan should
reflect the relative contribution of sources to elevated exposure to air pollution in impacted
communities. As of June 2020, CARB has approved all seven of the initial community
emissions reduction plans.
As may be intuited from the discussion above, AB 617 has a unique governance structure,
split between CARB, communities, and local air districts. CARB provides oversight and
grants to community groups to participate in the process; communities provide direction
and partner with air districts on monitoring and emissions reduction programs; local air
districts partner with communities on community air monitoring and emissions reduction
plans, provide incentive funding, and can require stronger pollution controls for sources.
. . .
20. The bill contains some specific requirements for stationary sources in nonattainment areas, which require
air districts to adopt an expedited schedule for the implementation of best available retrofit control technology
(BARCT) and requires CARB to establish a statewide clearinghouse that identifies BARCT for sources of
criteria air pollutants and toxics.
21. These include: adoption of more stringent emissions limits and improved control techniques, permitting re-
quirements for new sources, enhanced enforcement to deal with local compliance issues, and coordination
with local land use and transportation agencies
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
Early experience with AB 617
The AB 617 is very early in its implementation phase. Hence, it remains to be seen whether
the program will succeed in reducing the pollution exposure burdens in affected commu-
nities. That being said, there are some early lessons that are instructive for other states
and/or federal policy going forward. This section draws insights from early experience with
the community engagement and local air monitoring and abatement planning embodied
in AB 617. These observations are based on our experience in abatement plan develop-
surveys of community participants in West Oakland,
and participant surveys in
other AB 617 communities (carried out by a team led by Jonathan London of UC Davis).
Timelines: After years of neglect, communities burdened by disproportionate levels of air
pollution are anxious to see real and lasting improvements. This sense of urgency is re-
flected in the aggressive timetable established in AB 617. In hindsight, however, the two-
year deadline for plan development proved too aggressive. Effective community engage-
ment is not always in the skill set of air pollution control agency staff, who need time to
engage additional expertise or learn new proficiencies. It also takes time to develop trust
and effective information exchange in matters of technical complexity and requiring insti-
tutional change.
The aggressive timeline constrained the quality of community involvement and limited the
range of source abatement strategies that could be considered. For example, the West Oak-
land plan identifies many measures to reduce emissions from port activities and sets a long-
term goal to electrify trucking and freight handling equipment. But the plan lacks detail on
those measures and often does not identify a process or timeline by which they would be
planned, funded and implemented.
Governance and engagement: The process of supporting and building community en-
gagement has varied substantively across the 10 communities. Regional air districts took
different approaches to governance, community outreach, business involvement, exposure
assessment and analysis. Communities arrived with different priorities and different levels
of experience. Some communities had well-established community groups that could
quickly step into a leadership role. For example, in West Oakland, a local EJ group, West
Oakland Environmental Indicators Project (WOIEP), co-led the process with the Bay Area
. . .
22. Owning Our Air: The West Oakland Community Action Plan, https://www.baaqmd.gov/community-
23. Survey was carried out by Lily McIver, UC Berkeley graduate student researcher at Goldman School. This
research was supported by a grant from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD).
24. A recent paper by Jonathan London of UC Davis, evaluates the AB 617 community engagement pro-
cesses. London et al. (2020). The paper contains detailed recommendations to improve the AB 617 pro-
cess in California. Those details are beyond the scope of this paper. Although London believes the first
efforts to implement AB 617 process were generally successful, he identifies several improvements to en-
hance the value of the policy.
25. Recent surveys of AB 617 participants show a significant degree of conflict between the AB 617 community
steering groups and the Air Districts (London et al. 2020).
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
Air Quality Management District, under advice of a community-based steering group with
limited business community membership. In other communities, such as South Sacra-
mento, there were no EJ organizations with substantial experience in air quality issues to
engage, and the process was primarily driven by the local air district.
Drawing from the limited experience to date, the communities that adopted a co-lead
model appear to have had more success in building trust and fostering community leader-
ship compared with the communities that proceeded under a district-led process. This is
particularly true in communities where community steering committees could leverage a
pre-existing community group that had already gained the respect and recognition of the
local community. Co-led planning also appears to have had more success in pushing for
cooperation across historically siloed agencies (e.g. air districts, city government, port au-
thorities, health departments, and planning agencies).
The community-based process set in motion by AB 617 brought representatives from mul-
tiple governmental agencies into the same room. Despite having overlapping jurisdiction,
some of these agencies had not interacted with the community, or each other, on local air
pollution issues. Prior to the AB 617 planning process, interactions between the community
and local, regional and state air quality agencies was episodic, often involving a shifting set
of agency personnel, from multiple jurisdictional entities (state, city, port, health and trans-
portation agencies). Addressing local air quality problems requires a more sustained com-
mitment and collaboration between disparate agencies. This is an important benefit of an
AB 617 process which forces greater interagency cooperation and reduces frustration and
transaction costs for community groups and residents.
While it is difficult to generalize across the range of community experiences, it seems clear
that a legislative mandate to directly engage community members in the planning process
is helping to mitigate some of the barriers that have historically stood in the way of com-
munity involvement. This process has elevated the influence of local community groups
and improved access to agency staff and decision making. In some regions, community
groups that had routinely been ignored or dismissed by agency staff note that their phone
calls were being returned and meetings scheduled. In other settings, where community
groups already had relatively good access to air quality agencies and local government, the
mandate of AB 617 has increased their ability to assert political pressure on state and local
agencies to make local air quality a priority.
Community monitoring: AB 617 has provided critical support for community-based air
quality monitoring. People need information in order to understand local problems, take
action in the near term, and advocate for permanent solutions in the long term. Expanded
monitoring at the neighborhood level also builds trust in the policy process and helps focus
pollution control agency attention on problem areas and sources.
The design and implementation of local monitoring plans varied substantially across com-
munities. In some cases, the Air Districts developed modeling procedures to attribute local
. . .
26. Clarification of interagency responsibility would be especially important in a federal version of AB 617 where
effectiveness of an EPA led hotspot abatement plan could be either enhanced or undermined by planning
or funding decisions of federal transportation, infrastructure, energy or economic development agencies.
See discussion below on federal policy implications.
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
exposure to particular sources of pollution. This helped prioritize pollution abatement
planning and complementary exposure reduction strategies for heavily affected locations
(e.g. indoor air filtration for senior centers, low income housing, and schools located in
high impact sub-neighborhoods). This was, however, a very resource intensive effort that
could strain the capacity of air quality agencies with smaller staffs and budgets. In other
cases, attribution can be adequately inferred from emission inventories without the need
for expensive and time-consuming source attribution modeling.
One criticism of the AB 617 process to date is that there has been a lack of clarity regarding
how monitoring information should guide pollution abatement action. Although local air
quality monitoring has been an important component, is it not sufficient to simply provide
and support expanded monitoring in a community with significant pollution exposure bur-
dens. There must also be a clear mechanism through which monitoring, and data collection
can inform and advance emission abatement planning and implementation. And, the ag-
gressive time frame for program implementation has meant that, in some cases, the mon-
itoring data was not available in time to inform the design of emissions reduction plans.
AB 617 could be improved by better coordination of deadlines for monitoring results and
abatement plans; monitoring data could be combined with health risk assessment tools to
help community groups and agencies identify the highest abatement priorities.
Emissions reductions: The Community Emissions Reduction Plans (CERPs) developed
under the AB 617 process constitute a powerful step toward reduced exposure to local air
pollution. There are reasons to think that this initiative could be more successful than past
efforts to address local air quality problems. Unlike past efforts in which community par-
ticipation was gathered in the form of comments on agency proposals, the AB 617 process
has engaged community members from the beginning. Emissions reduction plans are not
recommendations or wish lists from communities they are co-created strategies in a
CARB-approved plan. Local community groups have now established relationships,
through repeated interactions, with the agency actors who can move these plans forward.
Moreover, monitoring information about local exposures is now in the hands of local stake-
However, unless the community remains actively engaged in the process with substantive
decision-making authority, implementation by state, region and local government could
stall, particularly on difficult issues that require interagency cooperation (e.g. land use,
transportation planning, infrastructure investment). The ability to sustain community en-
gagement through the implementation phase is a key factor that will determine whether
AB 617 will succeed in delivering substantive and durable improvements in local air quality.
Funding: Participation in steering committees and emissions reduction planning requires
significant investments of time by community members. Funding for community engage-
ment during implementation of AB 617 has often been uncertain and subject to annual
budgetary commitments. Going forward, active engagement in the implementation process
may be difficult to sustain without a more stable form of financial support for community
groups, air districts and CARB. In addition, CARB will require funds to oversee and imple-
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
ment community plans. Notably, much of the funding for AB 617 comes from auction rev-
enues in the cap-and-trade program. Further appropriations from the State may be neces-
sary, especially in these critical implementation stages.
Insights for federal and state policymakers
Concerns about air pollution hotspots and the marginalization of disadvantaged commu-
nities in throughout the policy process are not unique to California. These EJ concerns span
all 50 states. In this respect, the California experience could guide policy innovation in
other states and/or at the federal level.
In the context of federal policy, we believe there are several potential avenues to address
systemic pollution exposure burdens in marginalized communities: amendments to the
CAA; new legislation outside the CAA; EPA rulemaking; or programmatic actions sup-
ported by congressional appropriations. Although we focus primarily on the federal policy
arena, much of the discussion is applicable to state legislation and agency actions on EJ.
For decades, political divisions have made a comprehensive revision of the CAA unthinka-
ble. While Congress has passed narrowly tailored CAA amendments to create new control
mechanisms (e.g. agricultural fuels) and made an unsuccessful run at a separate climate
law in 2010, the 1990 CAAA remains intact and has proven resilient to the political tides.
This is not to say that a reopening of the Clean Air Act is impossible. Undoubtedly, there
are improvements that could be made to the 30-50-year-old statute. However, the job
would be difficult, and absent a fundamentally different political alignment, opening the
door to CAA amendments could weaken the CAA’s health and environmental protections.
Rather than try to work within the existing CAA framework, mounting public support for
climate action could open the door for federal climate legislation separate from the CAA.
Given the tensions that can arise when policymakers attempt to tackle local air pollution
and climate change with the same policy instrument, a new federal policy platform would
ideally bundle climate change regulations with complementary but distinct EJ provi-
An economy-wide carbon price has an important role to play in a federal climate change
policy platform. Although a carbon pricing regime is not well-suited for hot-spot remedia-
tion, it can provide a valuable means of raising the revenues required to support a national
hot-spot remediation mandate and supporting appropriations. The EPA could act in a su-
pervisory role to guide and approve local air pollution reduction plans by states, akin to the
way it approves state implementation plans under the existing NAAQS. This program could
operate the way AB 617 places the Air Resources Board in an oversight and approval role
(relative to regional air districts) in California.
If Congress remains too divided to act on climate, could EPA mount a coordinated response
to climate change local air pollution hotspots under the current CAA authority? The EPA
has broad authority under the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments to address EJ concerns
within many of the standard setting, grant making, permitting and monitoring components
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
of the Act.
One can imagine a set of ambitious power sector,
transportation and fuel
technology performance standards, adopted under existing CAA authority, that would over
time largely eliminate exposure to diesel particulate, refinery, and ozone precursor emis-
sions. EPA could explore whether CAA rulemaking initiatives could include goals or stand-
ards designed to eliminate racial disparities in air pollution exposure, using authority un-
der Title 6 of the federal Civil Rights Act.
EPA could also tighten ambient air quality
(NAAQS) and toxics (MACT) standards and revive the urban air toxics (GACT) program.
But this is not an easy road. The process to set and revise ambient air quality standards and
technology standards is notoriously time consuming and may not be effective to address
local air pollution hotspots involving cumulative impacts from multiple source categories
and pollutant types (Carlson 2018).
To deliver more immediate results, the EPA could complement the initiatives described
above with a more targeted program fashioned along the lines of AB 617. The EPA could
use its broad grant making and monitoring authority powers under the existing CAA to
support enhanced local air quality monitoring, community engagement, and citizen-mon-
itoring-science. The agency has managed EJ programs for many years.
EPA could expand
that effort and accelerate the process of certifying low cost monitors
to enable denser
. . .
27. Environmental Law Institute, Research Report, Opportunities for Advancing EJ: An Analysis of U.S. EPA
Statutory Authorities, November 2001, https://www.eli.org/research-report/opportunities-advancing-envi-
28. See, UC Berkeley Goldman School of Public Policy 2035 Report, https://www.2035report.com/downloads/
29. See, US Commission on Civil Rights, EJ: Examining the Environmental Protection Agency’s Compliance
and Enforcement of Title VI and Executive Order 12,898, https://www.usccr.gov/pubs/2016/Statutory_En-
30. See, Second Integrated Urban Air Toxics Report to Congress, 2014. https://www.epa.gov/urban-air-tox-
ics/fact-sheet-second-integrated-urban-air-toxics-report-congress (“...additional work remains to improve
our understanding of air toxics and to effectively reduce remaining risks, particularly in overburdened com-
31. See, https://earthjustice.org/news/press/2016/epa-commits-to-strengthen-enforcement-for-communities-hit-
…(EPA) released the first governmental report comprehensively examining EJ, entitled “Equity: Re-
ducing Risk for All Communities.” Shortly thereafter the EPA established what ultimately became known
as the Office of EJ, and in 1993 it created the National EJ Advisory Committee to provide independent
advice and recommendations to the Administrator on EJ matters. Then in 1994, President Clinton is-
sued an Executive Order on EJ (EO 12898), mandating that all federal agencies incorporate EJ into
their missions (see Box 1).
UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, Pathways to EJ: Advancing a Framework for Evaluation, page 3, 2012,
32. Technology for neighborhood scale monitoring is rapidly emerging for many common air pollution types,
including black carbon and diesel particulates. Monitoring for air toxics, however, will likely remain expensive,
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
monitor networks in communities. That data could trigger regulatory action (nonattain-
ment designations,
targeted enforcement,
upgraded air toxics standards,
source permit revisions,
Urban Air Toxics standards for “area” sources,
and incentives
for adoption of zero-emission heavy duty trucking
) to provide near term relief to commu-
nities experiencing high air pollution exposure. It may be that EPA would need to modify
its existing monitoring rules and procedures to accomplish such results. The design of EPA
monitoring protocols is fully within its delegated power from Congress and a refresh of its
air quality monitoring system may well be needed to reflect both the increased recognition
of local air quality problems and the availability of new lower cost monitoring technologies.
Federal funding could also be bought into play as an incentive for state or local government
action to initiate AB 617-like processes.
In sum, there is no reason why a new federal administration could not, one way or another,
begin to address persistent inequity of air pollution exposure in low income neighborhoods
and communities of color in the United States. A clearly articulated EJ mandate, support-
ing institutional structures, and increased funding from Congress would help a great deal.
However, we believe the EPA can move forward on its own if Congress does not act.
. . .
and the agency will need to use increasingly sophisticated screening techniques to prioritize the deployment
of gas chromatographs and similar broad-spectrum monitoring equipment.
33. Monitoring could be used to identify new nonattainment areas or to reclassify air quality regions in a way
that requires revisions of a state implementation plan for criteria pollutants, including fine particulate pollu-
34. Researchers and regulators in California are developing new methods by which to identify and inspect trucks
whose emission systems are failing. Monitoring could also identify need for enforcement of stationary source
35. Under section 112, EPA sets technology standards specific to certain types of emissions sources, to regu-
late emission of air toxics from stationary sources. (Maximum Achievable Control Technology, MACT). To
supplement these technology standards EPA must set risk-based standards for emission source catego-
ries where air toxics monitoring data shows risk of life time cancer risk of one-in-10,000 (i.e., 100 in
1,000,000) or greater and can set “residual risk” standards where risk is up one-in-a-million after consider-
ing costs, technical feasibility and other factors. Additional monitoring for air toxics exposure could identify
a need for tighter or additional MACT or residual risk standards.
36. Permits under the Clean Air Act and state clean air laws are periodically reviewed and renewed on a regu-
lar schedule. Monitoring that identified unhealthy local hotspots could trigger permit revisions for stationary
sources and require new emission reductions. CAA § 502(b)(5)(D) specifically requires states implement-
ing Title V to have the authority to terminate, modify, revoke or reissue permits "for cause." 42 U.S.C.A. §
7661a(b)(5)(D). States can establish additional permitting requirements not inconsistent with the Federal
CAA permitting chapter. While the permitting provisions of the federal CAA primarily focus on implement-
ing the relevant technology-based controls, state permitting authorities retain the right to impose more
stringent requirements based upon localized pollution. 42 USC §7416.
37. EPA’s Urban Air Toxics strategy and Area Source Standards program could be revived to address urban
hotpots in disadvantaged communities.
38. Monitoring for air pollution hot spots could help target EPA and state funding for voluntary programs to
reduce emissions from trucking and freight equipment and stationary source diesel generators through grant
and incentive programs.
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
At this very moment, thousands of communities throughout the United States are being
exposed to unhealthy levels of air pollution. The regulatory framework designed to safe-
guard our air quality is failing to adequately address local air pollution problems. This is
the unfinished business of the Clean Air Act. At the same time, climate change is predicted
to have disproportionate impacts on low-income, marginalized communities. Public sup-
port for state and federal action on both fronts EJ and climate change is building.
A community-driven process to address air pollution hotspots in historically disadvantaged
communities is likely to be a political prerequisite for any serious federal or state climate
policy initiative. This paper draws lessons from recent legislative and regulatory experi-
ences in California in the interest of informing policy efforts elsewhere.
One lesson we take away is that local air pollution and global climate change are funda-
mentally different problems. Attempting to address both problems with the same policy
instrument can lead to conflict and controversy. A related lesson is that deep tensions sur-
rounding the role of carbon pricing can be impossible to resolve if these market-based pol-
icies are construed as a mechanism to address local air pollution problems. We continue to
see an important role for carbon pricing when it comes to climate change mitigation. In
contrast to technology mandates, a carbon price generates revenue that can be used to pur-
sue other objectives (including local air quality improvements); carbon pricing also incen-
tivizes cost-effective abatement across every sector of the economy. These benefits notwith-
standing, an efficient carbon pricing regime is not designed to eliminate local pollution
hotspots. A portfolio of complementary policies is needed to ensure that both local and
global pollution problems are mitigated in a coordinated, efficient, and equitable way.
California’s policy experiment-in-progress has focused attention on gaps in pollution con-
trols and safeguards that affect local communities and weaken the overall effectiveness of
state climate and clean air plans. These gaps are not unique to California. We expect that
efforts in other jurisdictions to complement climate policy with community-driven ap-
proaches to local air pollution mitigation would uncover similar complementarities.
AB 617 is also demonstrating proof of an essential procedural concept: Community-Driven
Regulation. AB 617 is not replacing or even circumventing traditional command-and-con-
trol regulation, but rather represents a supplementary, community-based “demand-and-
control” approach. In principle, community pressures can help build the capacity of state
agencies to eliminate racial/ethnic/class disparities in environmental exposures, bolster
agency demands for greater resources, improve community influence over decisions affect-
ing air quality, increase the likelihood that existing command-and-control regulation is im-
plemented, and advance other mechanisms of environmental regulation.
Although it is too early to tell whether the AB 617 policy experiment will succeed in deliv-
ering substantial and durable improvements in local pollution hotspots, the process so far
has forced deliberation on EJ issues, bringing local pollution problems into the light of
public debate. It is advancing a form of accountability politics, asking important questions
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
about how public agencies are succeeding and where they are falling short. Finally, Califor-
nia is demonstrating a model of coordinated and complementary efforts to mitigate local
and global air pollution issues. These issues are not unique to California, and we believe
that the political economy of climate change policy demands a parallel effort to address the
historic disparities in local environmental exposure that marginalized communities live
with on a daily basis. With sufficient investment and political commitment, many of the
lessons from the California climate and EJ experience could translate to jurisdictions else-
/// Climate policy, environmental justice, and local air pollution
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The Brookings Economic Studies program ana-
lyzes current and emerging economic issues fac-
ing the United States and the world, focusing on
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ing of how the economy works and what can be
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