Eva Unternaehrer,
University Psychiatric Clinic Basel, Switzerland
Roma Jusiene,
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Katherine Cost,
McMaster University, Canada
V. Konok
RECEIVED 11 August 2023
ACCEPTED 13 May 2024
PUBLISHED 28 June 2024
Konok V, Binet M-A, Korom Á, Pogány Á,
Miklósi Á and Fitzpatrick C (2024) Cure for
tantrums? Longitudinal associations between
parental digital emotion regulation and
childrens self-regulatory skills.
Front. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry 3:1276154.
doi: 10.3389/frcha.2024.1276154
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and Fitzpatrick. This is an open-access article
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Cure for tantrums? Longitudinal
associations between parental
digital emotion regulation and
childrens self-regulatory skills
V. Konok
, M.-A. Binet
, Á. Korom
, Á. Pogány
, Á. Miklósi
C. Fitzpatrick
Department of Ethology, Faculty of Science, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary,
Faculty of
Medicine and Health Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada,
Faculty of Science,
Doctoral School of Biology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary,
ELKH-ELTE Comparative
Ethology Research Group, Budapest, Hungary,
Faculty of Education, Université de Sherbrooke,
Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
Introduction: Parents often use digital devices to regulate their childrens
negative emotions, e.g., to stop tantrums. However, this could hinder child
development of self-regulatory skills. The objective of the study was to
observe bidirectional longitudinal associations between parents reliance on
digital devices to regulate their childs emotions and self-regulatory tendencies
(anger/frustration management, effortful control, impulsivity).
Methods: Parents (N = 265) lled out the Child Behavior QuestionnaireShort
Form and the Media Assessment Questionnaire twice: the initial assessment
(T1) took place in 2020 (mean child age = 3.5 years old), and follow-up (T2)
occurred a year later in 2021 (mean child age = 4.5 years old).
Results: Higher occurrence of parental digital emotion regulation (PDER) in T1
predicts higher anger and lower effortful control in T2, but not impulsivity.
Higher anger in T1, but not impulsivity and effortful control, predicts higher
PDER in T2.
Discussion: Our results suggest that parents of children with greater
temperament-based anger use digital devices to regulate the childs emotions
(e.g., anger). However, this strategy hinders development of self-regulatory
skills, leading to poorer effortful control and anger management in the child.
emotion regulation, self-regulation, digital devices, longitudinal, effortful control,
1 Introduction
Digital device use among young children is markedly increasing. Children are
introduced to screens at earlier and earlier developmental stages (1). Screen-based
activities occupy the largest part of childrens free time, compared to outdoor play or
other screen-free activities (2). Pre-pandemic studies report that preschoolers spend
about 1.52.5 h in front of a screen daily (3, 4), and this amount has increased by one
hour during the pandemic (5). The proportion of families that possess mobile devices
has increased from 52% in 2011 to 98% in 2020 and almost half of 2- to 4-years-olds
have their own mobile device (6). About 26% of children aged 04 from the United
States spend more than 4 h in front of a screen daily, meaning a two-fold increase
compared to 13% before the pandemic (7). Despite these tendencies the effects of
TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 28 June 2024
DOI 10.3389/frcha.2024.1276154
Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 01 frontiersin.org
screen time on child emotional and cognitive development are still
debated and largely unknown (8). The widespread usage of
electronic media and digital devices (TV, videogames, PC,
smartphones, tablets, etc.) may inuence even adults cognition,
emotions, and mental health (9, 10). However, young childrens
brain and cognitive processes are still plastic, making them even
more potentially vulnerable to strong and long-lasting inuences
of experiences (1113).
Early childhood is a critical time for learning basic self-
regulation skills (14). Self-regulation is conceptualized as the
organization or modulation of affective, mental, and behavioral
responses, including control over emotional experiences and
expressions (i.e., emotion regulation), cognitive processes
(i.e., executive function), and approach or withdrawal behaviors
(i.e., effortful control) (15). Executive function and effortful
control are related and, according to some researchers,
overlapping constructs (16, 17). Effortful control has been
dened as childrens ability to inhibit a dominant response in
favor of a subdominant one, or an automatic response in favor
of a deliberate one (18, 19). It involves the management of
attention or behavior. Effortful control is temperamentally based,
but also develops with considerable input from the environment
(19) especially through childrens early social relationships with
their parents (20, 21).
Emotion regulation involves implicit or explicit attempts to
modify the natural trajectory of one or more parameters of
emotion (22), including physiological arousal, expression,
intensity or duration. It is related to temperamental emotional
reactivity [high reactivity hinders its effectiveness (23);], and to
coping [i.e., the ability to cope with the stressful situation
(24, 25)]. Emotion regulation emerges in rudimentary forms in
infancy (26), and gradually progresses from being a highly
external process to an internal one over time (25). Certain early
childhood experiences, e.g., appropriate family interactions are
necessary for this developmental process (27).
In the past decades, digital devices have become increasingly
prevalent in peoples lives and became objects with which
emotions, cognition, and behavior can be regulated. Therefore,
devices and screen-based activities have become external tools of
self-regulation. For example, digital activities (e.g., videogaming,
watching videos, instant messaging) often serve an emotion-
regulating purpose in adults [digital emotion regulation
for a review: (29)]. They help in coping with or recovery from
negative emotions and stress by providing a sense of mastery and
control (29, 30), an immersive or ow experience (3133), and
by providing a distraction from real-life problems or escape from
reality into the virtual world (34). Digital activities offer instant
rewards (35, 36) which can modulate ones mood and emotions.
Digital activities can also help in arousal-regulation for
individuals with lower arousal by offering stimulation through
e.g., fast-paced, intensive, simultaneous stimuli (8, 37)or
arousing (e.g., violent) contents, which activate the dopamine
and the reward pathways (8).
Parents often give digital devices to their child to safely
engage them (baby-sitter function), and to regulate their
emotions or behavior (3840). Kabali et al. (41) found that 65%
of parents use mobile devices to keep their child calm in public
places. Television is also commonly used as a calming tool for
children (42, 43). We refer to this phenomenon as parental
digital emotion regulation (PDER), designating parental
behaviors such as giving the child a digital device to regulate
their negative emotions or calm them down.
Providing children with digital devices as digital paciers (41)
may reduce child emotional expressions in the short term and may
help parents allocate resources to necessary tasks and provide them
with free time, especially during lockdown (44). However, this
practice may also lead to missed opportunities to teach adaptive
emotion regulation and coping strategies to the child (45).
Although the distraction of attention away from stressful stimuli
or negative emotions can be an effective short-term strategy to
reduce emotional intensity in young children (46), suppressing
emotions can have paradoxical, rebounding effects [e.g., (47)],
and it may lead to maladaptive, avoidant coping strategies,
increased negative emotionality or dysregulation in the future.
Additionally, for children with immature self-regulatory skills, it
may be harmful to become accustomed to external devices to
regulate their emotions, as this could interfere with the
development of internal regulatory mechanisms. Dependence on
the device may lead to problematic media use and screen time
tantrums (48), i.e., extreme emotions when media is removed
(40). In addition, when digital devices are used for getting
instant rewards (35, 36), it may hinder ones ability to delay
gratication and control impulses (49, 50). This may lead to a
positive feedback loop. As a consequence, an association is
frequently found between media use and impulsivity (5153)or
poorer executive functions (5457).
Empirical evidence suggests a negative association between
digital media use and self-regulation. For example, more time
spent watching TV was associated with higher ratings on
negative emotionality, emotional reactivity, aggression, and
attention problems, as well as lower levels of soothability in
toddlers (58). Children who began using screen media devices
earlier or who spent more time engaging with mobile devices
displayed lower self-regulation (59). Longitudinal data mainly
suggest bidirectional relationships. For example, screen time or
digital media use at a younger age was negatively associated with
later child self-regulation or related processes, such as executive
function and effortful control (37, 55, 57, 6062). However,
ndings also support the reverse association: emotion
dysregulation and poor self-regulation was found to contribute to
greater and more problematic media use later (37, 42, 63, 64).
However, whether bidirectional associations exist between the use
of PDER and child self-regulation remains unknown.
The few studies investigating PDER suggest its potential role in
child self-regulatory skills development. Coyne et al. (40) found that
temperamental dysregulation risk factors, specically negative
affectivity and surgency (65, 66), were related to problematic
media use and screen time tantrums through PDER. This
suggests that difcult temperament (entailing low self-regulation
skills) leads to PDER, which, in turn, leads to problematic media
use. In line with this, children with social-emotional difculties,
poor self-regulation and a difcult temperament have a higher
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chance of being given digital technology as a calming tool or as a
baby-sitter (39, 42, 43, 67, 68) and perhaps as a result, they use
more media later (37, 62, 64, 69).
However, as far as we know, only one longitudinal study (69)
investigated the bidirectional associations between PDER and
child self-regulation. This study found an interaction effect:
PDER in an earlier time point (T1) was positively related to
increases in childrens negative emotionality in a later time point
(T2), but only for children with initially low negative
emotionality. Further longitudinal studies are needed as the
above-mentioned results are not in line with the frequently
found bidirectional association between media use and self-
regulation. Therefore, the objective of the study was to observe
bidirectional longitudinal associations between PDER and child
self-regulatory tendencies (anger/frustration management,
effortful control, impulsivity). Since self-regulatory skills are still
immature in the preschool age, PDER can have a great impact
on them. Therefore, we aimed to investigate this age group. We
also accounted for the confounding effects of parenting stress,
child screen time, and family sociodemographics.
This is a conrmatory study with clear hypotheses: we expect
that poorer child self-regulatory tendencies (i.e., higher level of
anger/frustration management problems, impulsivity and lower
level of effortful control) (at T1) lead to higher PDER (at T2), and
that higher PDER (at T1) leads to poorer child self-regulatory
tendencies (higher anger/frustration management problems and
impulsivity, and lower level of effortful control) (at T2).
2 Materials and method
2.1 Procedure and participants
This study is part of a larger, two-year longitudinal study on
digital media use by Canadian families with preschool children
aged 25 years during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participating
families were recruited using eye-catching posters and yers in
preschools and pre-kindergarten classes, sign-up sheets and
presentations given at preschool and pre-kindergarten
registration nights, a Facebook page, and newspaper and radio
advertisements broadcast across Nova Scotia (Canada). To
measure bidirectional associations between parental digital
emotion regulation and child self-regulation tendencies, we
measured these variables at two time points.
The rst assessment took place between March and August of
2020 (N = 316 children), during a provincially declared state of
emergency and lockdown. A follow-up with this sample was
conducted a year later, between April and August of 2021 (N = 265;
a ow diagram of the participants is presented in Figure 1).
Demographics for the retested sample are presented in Table 1.
At both time waves, parents completed the web-based Media
Assessment Questionnaire (MAQ), which has been described in
detail elsewhere (70). The MAQ assesses child and parent media
use and includes questions on child age and sex, parent
education, as well as reasons reported by parents to allow their
child to use media. For the purpose of this study, we integrated
items on child temperamental anger/frustration, impulsivity and
effortful control using the Child Behavior QuestionnaireShort
Form (71). We also integrated items on parenting stress using
the Parenting Stress Index (72). These measures are described
below. The use of data for this specic study received approval
from the ethics board from the principal investigators institution
(IRB #2021-2927). Informed consent to participate was obtained
from participating parents.
2.2 Measures
2.2.1 Parental digital emotion regulation (PDER)
Parents were asked to rate how much they agreed or disagreed
with the statement I let my child use media to calm them down
when they are upset. Responses were rated on a 7-point Likert
scale ranging from Never (1) to Several times per day (7). Due to
some of the response options having very small frequencies (e.g.,
Several times per day: N = 4), this variable was then recoded
into a dichotomous variable (1 = Never/rarely, 2 = Regularly/
frequently; see Table 1 for descriptives).
2.2.2 Child self-regulatory tendencies
The Child Behavior QuestionnaireShort form (71) assesses
several distinct dimensions of temperament which are grouped
into three main factors: negative affectivity, surgency/
extraversion, and effortful control. The short form shows
satisfactory internal consistency, criterion validity, longitudinal
stability and inter-rater agreement (71, 73). Since we focus on
temperament-based self-regulatory tendencies, we retained for
this study (1) anger/frustration (anger hereinafter) which is a
dimension belonging to the negative affectivity main factor, (2)
impulsivity which is a dimension belonging to the surgency/
extraversion main factor, and nally (3) the main factor of
effortful control. Anger (e.g., Child gets angry when told s/he
has to go to bed) and impulsivity (e.g., Usually rushes into an
activity without thinking about it) were each based on the mean
Flow diagram showing the number of participants contacted, lost for
specic reasons and retained.
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of 6 items. Higher scores in anger and impulsivity subscales
indicate greater intensity and duration of the childs angry or
frustrated response to environmental stimuli or greater speed of
response initiation, respectively. The effortful control factor was
based on mean scores obtained for the dimensions of attentional
focusing (six items, e.g., When drawing or coloring a book,
shows strong concentration) and inhibitory control (six items,
e.g., Can wait before entering into new activities if s/he is asked
to). Higher scores in the attentional focusing and the inhibitory
control subscales indicate better child effortful control. Items are
scored on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (extremely
untrue of your child) to 7 (extremely true of your child). The
Cronbachs alpha coefcients for anger, impulsivity, and effortful
control in Wave 1 were α = 0.789; 0.629 and 0.792, respectively.
In Wave 2, the corresponding coefcients were α = 0.814; 0.656
and 0.785, respectively (see Table 1 for descriptives).
2.2.3 Demographics, parenting stress and child
screen time
When completing the MAQ (70), parents reported child age
and sex (assigned at birth), parent age and sex, parent education,
yearly income, race, country of birth, marital status, and
parenting stress. Race, country of birth and marital status were
not used in the analyses because there was little variance on
these variables (see Table 1 for response options and number/
percentage of participants answering them). Parenting stress was
assessed using the Parenting Stress Index (72). This questionnaire
includes a Parental distress (PD) subscale (12 items, i.e., I nd
myself giving up more of my life to meet my childs needs than I
ever expected) and a Parent-child dysfunctional interaction
(PCDI) subscale (12 items, i.e., My child smiles at me much less
than I expected). Items were rated on a 5-point Likert scale as:
1 (strongly disagree); 2 (disagree); 3 (not sure); 4 (agree) or 5
(strongly agree) and were then averaged to create a total score
ranging from 1 to 5, with an adequate internal consistency
(Cronbachs alpha = 0.850). Higher scores indicate higher
parenting stress (see Table 1 for descriptives).
In the MAQ, parents also reported their child screen time by
reporting the average amount of time their child spent doing
each of the following activities: (1) Watching TV or DVDs; (2)
Using a computer; (3) Playing video games on a console; (4);
Using an iPad, tablet, LeapPad, iTouch, or similar mobile device
(excluding smartphones); or (5) Using a smartphone. For each
activity, response options were: (1) Never; (2) Less than 30 min;
(3) 30 min to 1 h; (4) 12 h; (5) 23 h; (6) 34 h; (7) 45 h; and
(7) more than 5 h. Parents reported this separately for a typical
weekday and a typical weekend day. Total amount of child
screen time was calculated by summing the durations for each
TABLE 1 Descriptive statistics of the nal sample (N = 265).
Variable Measure N (%) M ± SD (Min, Max)
Child age T1 In years N (%) missing = 1 (0.4) 3.46 ± 0.84 (2, 5.42)
Child age T2 In years N (%) missing = 0 4.33 ± 0.86 (2.75, 6.33)
Child sex (2 values) N (%) boys = 138 (52.1) N (%) girls = 126 (47.5) N (%) missing = 1 (0.4)
Parent age T1 In years N (%) missing = 0 (0) 35.24 ± 4.28 (23, 52)
Parent age T2 In years N (%) missing = 0 (0) 36.24 ± 4.28 (24, 53)
Parent sex (2 values) N (%) males = 20 (7.5) N (%) females = 245 (92.5) N (%) missing = 0 (0)
Parental education (3 values) N (%) college or secondary degree = 62 (23.4)
N (%) bachelors degree = 129 (48.7)
N (%) master or doctoral degree = 74 (27.9) N (%) missing = 0 (0)
Yearly income (3 values) N (%) $59,999 and less = 40 (15.1)
N (%) 60,000$99,999 = 72 (27.2)
N (%) $100,000 and more = 136 (51.3) N (%) missing = 17 (6.4)
Race (7 values) N (%) Aboriginal = 2 (0.8) N (%) Asian = 5 (1.9) N (%) Black = 2 (0.8) N (%) White = 242 (91.3)
N% Dont know = 0 (0) N (%) Prefer not to answer = 1 (0.4) N (%) Other = 12 (4.5) N (%)
missing = 1 (0.4)
Country of birth (2 values) N (%) Canada (country) = 239 (90.2) N (%) Other = 25 (9.4) N (%) missing = 1 (0.4)
Marital status (6 values) N (%) Married = 218 (82.3) N (%) Single/Never married = 11 (4.2) N (%) Live-in partner = 28
(10.6) N (%) Divorced = 2 (0.8) N (%) Widowed = 0 (0) N (%) Separated = 5 (1.) N (%)
missing = 1 (0.4)
Child screen time T1 In hours/day N (%) missing = 0 (0) 3.45 ± 2.45 (0, 10.43)
Child screen time T2 In hours/day N
(%) missing = 0 (0) 3.26 ± 2.38 (0, 9.65)
Parenting stress T1 (total score 05) N (%) missing = 0 (0) 1.85 ± 0.53 (1, 3.76)
Parenting stress T2 (total score 05) N (%) missing = 0 (0) 1.14 ± 0.72 (0, 3.11)
CBQ anger T1 (total score 07) N (%) missing = 0 (0) 4.25 ± 1.11 (1, 7)
CBQ anger T2 (total score 07) N (%) missing = 0 (0) 4.26 ± 1.15 (1, 6.67)
CBQ impulsivity T1 (total score 07) N (%) missing = 0 (0) 4.43 ± 0.93 (1.67, 7)
CBQ impulsivity T2 (total score 07) N (%) missing = 0 (0) 4.19 ± 0.94 (1.33, 6.83)
CBQ effortful control T1 (total score 07) N (%) missing = 0 (0) 4.71 ± 0.82 (2.58, 6.83)
CBQ effortful control T2 (total score 07) N (%) missing = 0 (0) 4.88 ± 0.82 (2.75, 7)
Parental digital emotion
regulation T1
(after merging:
2 values)
N (%) never/rarely = 165 (62.3) N (%) regularly/frequently = 100 (37.7) N (%) missing = 0 (0)
Parental digital emotion
regulation T2
(after merging:
2 values)
N (%) never/rarely = 179 (67.5) N (%) regularly/frequently = 86 (32.5) N (%) missing = 0 (0)
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activity, using responses mid-points with the exception of Never
and more than 5 h where scores of 0 and 5 were used,
respectively. To compute child average daily screen time, we
computed a weighted average of screen time across the week as
follows: [(weekday screen time X 5) + (weekend screen time X
2)]/7 (see Table 1 for descriptives).
2.3 Data analytic strategy
First, we compared whether retained (those who participated at
T2) and unretained (those who had dropped out) participants were
different in any aspects of demographics, parental digital emotion
regulation (PDER), or child self-regulation scores (MannWhitney
tests, t-tests and χ
tests, using SPSS
Of the nal retained sample of 265, 17 participants had a
missing value on income and one participant had a missing
value for child anger, impulsivity, and effortful control at T2. We
performed Littles test to determine if data were missing
completely at random (MCAR). The test was not signicant
revealing that data could be assumed to be MCAR: χ
= 24.476,
DF = 26, p = 0.549.
We imputed missing values on income to the median (value
of 3) and u sed FIML (maximum likelihood in for mation) to
account for missing outcome data.
To test bidirectional associations between PDER and self-
regulation scales, we estimated cross-lagged panel models using
Mplus version 8.10 (74). We controlled for sociodemographic
variables such as child age and sex, parent age and sex, parent
education, yearly income, child screen time and parenting stress
(the model schema is presented on Figure 2).
3 Results
3.1 Comparing retained and unretained
Unretained participants were signicantly different from
retained participants in parents age (M ± SD = 33.32 ± 4.631
(unretained) vs. 35.226 ± 4.278 years (retained); t = 2.852; p = 0.005;
Cohens d = 0.436) and marginally in PDER (52% vs. 37.6% of
regular/frequent PDER in unretained and retained sample,
respectively; χ
= 3.643; p = 0.056; this is discussed in the limitation
section), but was not signicantly different on any other
demographic variables or child behavior variables (all p > 0.170).
3.2 Cross-lagged panel model: anger
Our nal model is presented in Figure 3. Our cross-lagged
panel model provided good t [CFI = 1.000; TLI = 1.000; RMSEA
= 0.000 (0.000; 0.138)] and accounted for 36.7% and 45.8% of
the variance in PDER and Anger at T2, respectively. Analyses
revealed considerable stability in PDER (b = 1.233; SE = 0.187;
p < 0.001; β = 0.476) and Anger (b = 0.567; SE = 0.054; p < 0.001;
β = 0.546) between T1 and T2. In terms of the cross-lagged
associations, T1 PDER signicantly contributed to higher Anger
at T2 (b = 0.304; SE = 0.122; p = 0.013; β = 0.128), whereas T1
Anger only tendentiously contributed to higher PDER at T2
(b = 0.180; SE = 0.1 08; p =0.094; β = 0.159). Parenting stress
(b = 0.018; SE = 0.007; p = 0.008; β = 0.124) and child s creen
time (b = 0.063; SE = 0.024; p = 0.009; β = 0.133) at T1 were also
signicantly positively associated with Anger at T2 (Table 2).
3.3 Cross-lagged panel model: impulsivity
Our model is presented in Figure 4. Our cross-lagged panel
model provided good t [CFI = 1.000; TLI = 1.000; RMSEA = 0.000
(0.000; 0.078)] and accounted for 34.7% and 47.8% of the variance
in PDER and Impulsivity at T2, respectively. Analyses revealed
considerable stability in Impulsivity (b = 0.670; SE = 0.051; p < 0.001;
β = 0.659) between T1 and T2. In terms of the cross-lagged
associations, neither T1 PDER was associated with T2 Impulsivity
(b = 0.064; SE = 0.094; p = 0.496; β = 0.033), nor T1 Impulsivity
with T2 PDER (b = 0.019; SE = 0.096; p =0.845; β = 0.014). Child
age was signicantly negatively associated with Impulsivity at T2
(b = 0.126; SE = 0.057; p = 0.028; β = 0.112; Table 3).
Summary of the cross-lagged panel analyses.
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3.4 Cross-lagged panel model: effortful
Our model is presented in Figure 5. Our cross-lagged panel
model provided good t [CFI = 1.000; TLI = 1.000; RMSEA = 0.000
(0.000; 0.000)] and accounted for 34.7% and 55.5% of the variance
in PDER and Effortful control at T2, respectively. Analyses
revealed considerable stability in Effortful control between T1 and
T2 (b = 0.716; SE = 0.050; p <0.001; β = 0.718). In terms of the
cross-lagged associations, T1 PDER signicantly contributed to
lower Effortful control at T2 (b = 0.182; SE = 0.075; p =0.016;
β = 0.108), whereas T1 Effortful control did not contribute to
higher PDER at T2 (b = 0.002; SE = 0.129; p = 0.986; β = 0.001).
Parent age was also signicantly negatively associated with Effortful
control at T2 (b = 0.019; SE = 0.008; p = 0.022; β = 0.098; Table 4).
4 Discussion
We investigated the relationships between parental digital
emotion regulation and self-regulation in children. Our study
revealed complex, bidirectional longitudinal associations between
TABLE 2 Results of the cross-lagged panel model measuring the bi-
directional associations between PDER (parental digital emotion
regulation) and the anger/frustration dimension of the child behavior
Estimate (b) se p-value Beta
Child age T2 PDER 0.168 0.118 0.155 0.112
Child sex T2 PDER 0.064 0.190 0.737 0.025
T1 screen time T2 PDER 0.054 0.043 0.209 0.105
Parent age T2 PDER 0.022 0.025 0.359 0.077
Parent sex T2 PDER 0.018 0.382 0.962 0.004
Parent education T2 PDER 0.127 0.146 0.384 0.073
Yearly income T2 PDER 0.048 0.124 0.700 0.028
T1 parenting stress T2 PDER 0.002 0.013 0.870 0.013
T1 PDER T2 PDER 1.233 0.187 0.000 0.476
T1 Anger T2 PDER 0.180 0.108 0.094 0.159
Child age T2 Anger 0.021 0.072 0.768 0.015
Child sex T2 Anger 0.066 0.113 0.558 0.029
T1 screen time T2 Anger 0.063 0.024 0.009 0.133
Parent age T2 Anger 0.020 0.014 0.153 0.073
Parent sex T2 Anger 0.314 0.178 0.078 0.072
Parent education T2 Anger 0.066 0.082 0.425 0.041
Yearly income T2 Anger 0.036 0.081 0.658 0.023
T1 parenting stress T2 Anger 0.018 0.007 0.008 0.124
T1 anger T2 Anger 0.567 0.054 0.000 0.546
T1 PDER T2 Anger 0.304 0.122 0.013 0.128
Longitudinal cross-lagged associations between parental digital emotion regulation and the anger/frustration dimension of the child behavior
Longitudinal cross-lagged associations between parental digital emotion regulation and the impulsivity dimension of the child behavior questionnaire.
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the investigated variables. The results suggest that parental digital
emotion regulation may contribute to the bidirectional
association between media use and self-regulation in children
(37, 55, 62, 63). The observed associations were consistent and
strong in one direction (higher frequency of parental digital
emotion regulation leading to higher anger/frustration and lower
effortful control), but less consistent and more tendentious in the
other direction (effortful control does not, while anger/frustration
tendentiously contribute to higher PDER).
4.1 Higher PDER leads to poorer
anger/frustration management and
effortful control
Higher baseline occurrence of parental digital emotion
regulation (PDER) and higher baseline screen time predicted
poorer anger/frustration management (i.e., higher anger) one
year later. This is in line with ndings of a cross-sectional study
(hence limitations regarding causal inferences) that more time
spent watching TV is associated with higher levels of negative
emotionality, emotional reactivity, and aggression, as well as
lower levels of soothability in toddlers (58). Longitudinal studies
(57, 62) found that baseline digital media use predicted more
externalizing problems (specically, conduct problems and
hyperactivity) at follow-up, and these problems often entail
difculties with anger management (7578). While these
associations or effects can be driven by several mechanisms [e.g.,
direct effects, like overstimulation, and indirect effects, like
displacement of social interactions (79)], the present study
suggests that using digital devices for emotion regulation might
be a key determinant in the development of child difculties
with various aspects of self-regulation. Our results somewhat
contradict those of Gordon-Hacker & Gueron-Sela (69), who
found in a path analysis that early maternal digital emotion
regulation preceded later negative emotionality only in children
Longitudinal cross-lagged associations between parental digital emotion regulation and the effortful control main factor of the child behavior
TABLE 3 Results of the cross-lagged panel model measuring the bi-directional associations between PDER (parental digital emotion regulation) and the
impulsivity dimension of the child behavior questionnaire.
Estimate (b) se p-value Beta
Child age T2 PDER 0.167 0.118 0.158 0.114
Child sex T2 PDER 0.059 0.189 0.755 0.024
T1 Screen time T2 PDER 0.064 0.043 0.138 0.127
Parent age T2 PDER 0.025 0.025 0.304 0.087
Parent sex T2 PDER 0.007 0.395 0.986 0.001
Parent education T2 PDER 0.117 0.145 0.422 0.068
Yearly income T2 PDER 0.037 0.121 0.761 0.022
T1 parenting stress T2 PDER 0.006 0.012 0.597 0.039
T1 PDER T2 PDER 1.276 0.185 0.000 0.501
T1 Impulsivity T2 PDER 0.019 0.096 0.845 0.014
Child age T2 Impulsivity 0.126 0.057 0.028 0.112
Child sex T2 Impulsivity 0.122 0.087 0.160 0.065
T1 screen time T2 Impulsivity 0.022 0.021 0.297 0.057
Parent age T2 Impulsivity 0.004 0.012 0.761 0.016
Parent sex T2 Impulsivity 0.203 0.145 0.164 0.057
Parent education T2 Impulsivity 0.103 0.064 0.106 0.079
Yearly income T2 Impulsivity 0.083 0.066 0.207 0.065
T1 parenting stress T2 Impulsivity 0.004 0.005 0.491 0.031
T1 Impulsivity T2 Impulsivity 0.670 0.051 0.000 0.659
T1 PDER T2 Impulsivity
0.064 0.094 0.496 0.033
Konok et al. 10.3389/frcha.2024.1276154
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with low initial negative emotionality. However, it should be noted
that the authors found a signicant, although weak (r = 0.2)
longitudinal correlation between T1 maternal digital emotion
regulation and T2 negative emotionality, and a slightly stronger
cross-sectional correlation (r = 0.37) between T2 maternal digital
emotion regulation and T2 negative emotionality, but neither of
them were signicant in the path analysis. One possible
explanation for the divergent ndings in their study and ours, is
the different age groups of the children. Additional explanation
for these somewhat contradictory results should be revealed
through further longitudinal studies. Furthermore, screen time
and PDER are closely related, and as the present design does
not allow for the separation of the two phenomena, further
research is needed to disentangle their respective effects on
child self-regulation.
Higher occurrence of PDER at T1 also predicted lower levels of
effortful control at T2. In line with this, longitudinal studies have
found that those who spend more time using digital devices
subsequently develop more attentional problems, impulsivity, and
poorer executive functions or self-regulation in general (37, 55,
61, 64, 80). These results corroborate the involvement of PDER
in developing self-regulation problems. Contrary to our
expectations, however, PDER in T1 did not predict impulsivity in
T2. This contrasts with the ndings of several studies which
showed that digital device use leads to hyperactivity, inattention
or externalizing behaviors (81). It was also unexpected that T1
PDER predicted only effortful control, whereas impulsivity and
effortful control are related constructs (16, 17). The scale of
effortful control is made up of items on attentional focusing (e.g.,
Tendency to maintain attentional focus upon task-related
channels) and inhibitory control (e.g., The capacity to plan and
to suppress inappropriate approach responses under instructions
or in novel or uncertain situations). On the other hand,
impulsivity is dened as the speed of response initiation (71),
consisting of items like Usually rushes into an activity without
thinking about it. While high impulsivity entails low inhibitory
control, and both are related to behavioral self-regulation,
attentional focusing is a different, more cognitive construct and
does not necessarily correlate with the other two (82, 83). It is
possible that PDER affects attentional processes inherent to
effortful control to a larger extent than behavioral self-regulation.
Higher PDER is associated with higher screen time (38) and the
latter may have negative effects on attentional focusing (37, 80),
for example, as a result of overstimulation (84). The associations
between early digital media use and later attentional problems
are well supported by empirical data (37, 80), while relationships
between digital media use and executive functions are more
contradictory (54, 56, 61, 8587). Therefore, further studies
should investigate the longitudinal associations of PDER with
attentional focusing and inhibitory control separately.
4.2 Poorer anger/frustration management
skills in T1, but not impulsivity and effortful
control, predicts tendentiously higher
occurrence of parental digital emotion
regulation in T2
Poorer baseline anger/frustration management skills (i.e.,
higher anger) tendentiously predicted higher occurrence of PDER
at follow-up. This result is in line with cross-sectional ndings
showing that children with social-emotional difculties, poor
self-regulation and a more difcult temperament have a higher
chance of being given digital technology as a calming tool or as a
baby-sitter (39, 43, 67, 68) and with longitudinal studies showing
that these problems lead to using more media later (37, 42,
TABLE 4 Results of the cross-lagged panel model measuring the bi-directional associations between PDER (parental digital emotion regulation) and the
effortful control main factor of the child behavior questionnaire.
Estimate (b) se p-value Beta
Child age T2 PDER 0.168 0.120 0.160 0.115
Child sex T2 PDER 0.061 0.189 0.749 0.024
T1 Screen time T2 PDER 0.066 0.042 0.118 0.130
Parent age T2 PDER 0.025 0.025 0.303 0.088
Parent sex T2 PDER 0.008 0.395 0.983 0.002
Parent education T2 PDER 0.117 0.146 0.423 0.068
Yearly income T2 PDER 0.039 0.120 0.749 0.023
T1 parenting stress T2 PDER 0.006 0.012 0.618 0.038
T1 PDER T2 PDER 1.275 0.186 0.000 0.500
T1 effortful control T2 PDER 0.002 0.129 0.986 0.001
Child age T2 Effortful control 0.066 0.048 0.164 0.068
Child sex T2 Effortful control 0.091 0.071 0.202 0.055
T1 screen time T2 Effortful control 0.015 0.016 0.349 0.044
Parent age T2 Effortful control 0.019 0.008 0.022 0.098
Parent sex T2 Effortful control 0.108 0.139 0.437 0.035
Parent education T2 Effortful control 0.013 0.049 0.788 0.012
Yearly income T2 Effortful control 0.039 0.048 0.418 0.035
T1 parenting stress T2 Effortful control 0.005 0.006 0.383 0.046
T1 effortful control T2 Effortful control 0.716 0.050 0.000 0.718
T1 PDER T2 Effortful control
0.182 0.075 0.016 0.108
Konok et al. 10.3389/frcha.2024.1276154
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62, 64). Our study is the rst longitudinal study in support of poor
emotion regulation leading to higher chances of parental digital
emotion regulation, although the association was only marginally
signicant (p = 0.094). Parents with difcult children may
struggle more with decreasing the tempers or negative emotions
of the child. Therefore, they may turn to digital devices to
alleviate their burden. As Radesky et al. (39) pointed out,
frustration with the childs behavior would lead to use of digital
media as a coping strategy (p. 397). Similarly, instrumental use
of media (using media as a behavior modier or as a babysitter)
was primarily endorsed by parents who are less condent about
their parenting (68), and children with difcult temperament
may contribute to parents being less condent about their
parenting skills (88, 89).
Impulsivity and effortful control did not predict later PDER.
This suggests that parents use digital media as a parenting tool
only for managing emotional self-regulation problems in the
child, but not cognitive or behavioral self-regulation problems.
This result is unexpected, but may reect the fact that
impulsivity and lower effortful control in the child may be less
challenging for the parent than anger management problems, as
the latter entails emotional outburst and tantrums. Some studies
(67, 68) indicate that impulsivity and lower effortful control
(specically, conduct problems and energetic temperaments) are
associated with PDER. However these studies are cross-sectional
and cannot inform causal nor directional inferences. The present
longitudinal study suggests that these self-regulatory tendencies
do not lead to PDER, but rather the other way around as we
found that PDER led to lower effortful control. Although many
longitudinal studies found that children with attentional
problems, higher impulsivity and lower self-regulation at baseline
consume more digital media later (37, 62, 64, 79), these effects
may not be driven by parental motivation to regulate the childs
behavior/emotion by digital devices. Based on our results, we
argue it is likely that children with these problems are more
prone to use digital devices, independently of how much their
parents try to regulate their behavior with the device.
4.3 Limitations
To draw appropriate conclusions from the results, some
limitations should be addressed.
PDER was solely measured by parent report and with only one
item. More elaborate measures are required in future studies to
corroborate the present ndings, and parent reported PDER
should be validated by behavioral observations. Parents also
reported child self-regulation tendencies, which could lead to
shared measurement bias. Replications with reports from
preschool teachers or using different methodologies engaging
parents more actively to support their recall memories or
opinions about their childs behavior could advance future studies.
The internal consistency for impulsivity was lower than
desirable (Cronbachs alpha was 0.629 in Wave 1 and 0.656 in
Wave 2). This might have reduced the statistical power of the
analysis to detect associations with PDER. Additionally, the
dimensions of impulsivity and anger have rarely been used
separately (90). Although their reliability has been frequently
proven to be satisfactory (71, 73), the validity of these subscales
is less known with few existing studies showing moderate
correlations with other questionnaire scales (91), and low to
moderate correlations with laboratory observational measures
(92, 93). In the future, more studies are required to better
corroborate the construct validity of these subscales.
Another potential confounder of the results is that data
collection took place during a provincially declared state of
emergency and lockdown because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Since digital device use increased during lockdowns (94, 95), our
ndings should be replicated in post pandemic contexts.
Additionally, convenience sampling may not be representative
of the general population. This decreases the generalizability of the
results to the whole population. Replications with larger sample are
warranted. On the other hand, random sampling makes it
impossible to separate the effects of screen time and PDER (as
they are closely related). Therefore, further research is needed to
disentangle their effects on self-regulation.
Lastly, the unretained sample differed from the retained sample
in that parents in the unretained sample were younger and
marginally used more PDER than the retained participants. This
might have caused a systematic bias in the sample. Those who
participated in the second data collection wave might be more
conscious parents (applying less PDER), and this may distort the
observed associations. For example, it is possible that the
association between T1 effortful control and impulsivity and T2
PDER was not signicant (and between T1 anger and T2 PDER
was only marginally signicant) because conscious parents try to
nd other ways besides digital media to regulate or engage the
child. These shortcomings should be addressed in future studies.
4.4 Conclusion
Our study is the rst longitudinal study revealing bidirectional
associations between parental digital emotion regulation and child
emotion-regulation skills. Results support that higher anger/
frustration in the child renders parents tendentiously more likely
use digital devices to regulate child emotions. However, while
digital emotion regulation can be effective in the short term, this
strategy may hinder child development of self-regulatory skills in
the long term, leading to poorer effortful control and anger
management. This process may lead to a positive feedback loop,
resulting in increased dependence on the digital device and
potential later problematic media use, screen time tantrums
(40), and technological addiction (96). Based on these results,
efforts should be made to call parents attention on the harmful
consequences of digital emotion regulation. Pediatricians, child
psychologists, health professionals, and social workers working
directly with families or performing home visits should ask
parents about the use of digital media in the family. Additionally,
they should be especially attentive to parents of children with
difcult temperament, as they may be at higher risk of using
PDER. These parents should receive as much support as possible
Konok et al. 10.3389/frcha.2024.1276154
Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 09 frontiersin.org
to reinforce emotion regulation methods other then PDER. In
addition, peoples awareness should be increased about digital
devices being inappropriate tools for curing tantrums.
Data availability statement
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Ethics statement
The studies involving humans were approved by Université de
Sherbrookes IRB #2021-2927. The studies were conducted in
accordance with the local legislation and institutional requirements.
The participants provided their written informed consent to
participate in this study.
Author contributions
VK: Writing review & editing, Writing original draft,
Visualization, Funding acquisition, Formal Analysis,
Conceptualization. M-AB: Project administration, Writing
review & editing, Writing original draft. ÁK: Writing review
& editing, Writing original draft. ÁP: Writing review &
editing, Funding acquisition. ÁM: Writing review & editing,
Funding acquisition. CF: Writing review & editing,
Methodology, Funding acquisition, Conceptualization.
The authors declare that nancial support was received for the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The study was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health
Research (CIHR), Social sciences and humanities research
council (SSHRC), Nova Scotia Research (NSR), and the Canada
Research Chairs program (CRC), the National Research,
Development and Innovation Ofce (OTKA K 135478; OTKA
PD 134984), the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA post-
covid 2021-50; Bolyai János Research Fellowship; MTA 01 031)
and the European Union project RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00004
(Articial Intelligence National Laboratory). AP was funded by
the Hungarian Ethology Foundation.
Conict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conict of interest.
Publishers note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of their afliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed
or endorsed by the publisher.
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