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Spring 5-9-2024
Relations between Parent Reports of Effortful Control and Relations between Parent Reports of Effortful Control and
Behavioral Measures of Executive Function in Toddlers Behavioral Measures of Executive Function in Toddlers
Racheal Embry
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Embry, Racheal, "Relations between Parent Reports of Effortful Control and Behavioral Measures of
Executive Function in Toddlers" (2024).
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Racheal A. Embry
A thesis submitted to the faculty of The University of Mississippi in partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College.
Approved by:
Advisor: Dr. Stephanie Miller
Reader: Dr. John Young
Reader: Dr. Teresa Lefmann
© 2024
Racheal A. Embry
I would like to extend my appreciation to the Sally McDonnel Barksdale Honors College
and the National Institute of Health for their financial support of this project. I would also like to
offer my sincerest appreciation to Dr. Stephanie Miller for her unending support of my work as a
student and researcher and her willingness to answer the plethora of questions I have had along
the way. Finally, I would like to thank my family and friends who have encouraged me and
offered their unwavering support over the past two years as I have worked on this project.
Racheal A. Embry: Relations between Parent Reports of Effortful Control and Behavioral
Measures of Executive Function in Toddlers (Under direction of Stephanie Miller)
Recent proposals have identified many commonalities in conceptualizations of effortful control
and executive function (EF, e.g., Zhou, Chen, & Main, 2012). However, the overlap of effortful
control and EF during periods of emerging regulation in toddlerhood has not been thoroughly
investigated. In the present study, I examined the relationship between effortful control and EF in
14, 18, and 24 month old toddlers by a combination of in-lab tasks and parent report measures.
Results revealed few relations between effortful control and EF during this time. The lack of
overlap between effortful control and EF may be explained by a number of factors including
differences in method of measurement and the rapid development of self regulatory behaviors
during this age group.
Keywords: Effortful Control, Executive Function
LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ……………………………………………………………..6
THE PRESENT STUDY………………………………………………………………………...15
WORKS CITED…………………………………………………………………………………30
FIGURE 1………………………………………………………………………………………..18
TABLE 1…………………………………………………………………………………………25
TABLE 2…………………………………………………………………………………………26
The examination of self-regulation is fundamental to understanding development across
multiple domains, justifying its identification as a cornerstone of early child development
(Shonkoff et al., 2000). Research suggests that evidence of self-regulatory behaviors begin
developing during toddlerhood and into the preschool years (Schmidt, 2021; Kochanska, 2001).
However, the examination of self-regulation is broad, encompassing a collection of functions
related to individual control over thought and action. This has led to a number of separate
constructs, often focused on very similar abilities but based in different developmental
literatures. The present paper examined two constructs within self-regulationeffortful control
and executive function (EF)that originated from two different developmental literatures but
have been proposed to measure similar abilities (Zhou et al., 2012). Explorations of the relations
between these constructs are rare, especially in the toddler years which many have suggested is a
foundational period for the development of self regulation (Miller et al., 2015; Garon et al.,
2008; Isquith et al., 2005; Best et al., 2010). . Thus, the goal of the present work is to explore the
commonalities and differences between EF and effortful control at 14-, 18-, and 24- months of
Theoretical Underpinnings between EF and Effortful Control
Although effortful control and EF are both focused on self-regulation, there are
differences in their conceptualizations. Effortful control is defined as the ability to inhibit
dominant responses necessary to activate less dominant responses, plan, and detect errors
(Kochanska et al., 2000; Rothbart et al., 2007). This construct originated from research on
temperament, which initially focused on uncovering relatively stable individual differences in
infant reactivity and self-regulation, frequently collected through parent reports (e.g., activity
level, orienting, see Rothbart, 1981; Thomas & Chess, 1977). Work extended to the toddler and
childhood years as researchers began to appreciate the role of experience, context, and
developing aspects of cognition (i.e., self-control and attention) in guiding behavior (e.g., Shiner
et al., 2012). This resulted in more toddler- and child-centered effortful control measures
involving voluntary control, such as parent report measures of attentional focus, attentional
shifting, and inhibitory control in 18-month-olds (Putnam et al., 2006). Developmentally,
Rothbart and colleagues proposed a neurological model of effortful control, suggesting that
reactivity in infancy is initially driven by an attentional orienting system that infants have little
control over (e.g., parietal areas and frontal eye fields activated during orienting, see Posner et
al., 2012; Rothbart et al., 2007). By preschool, a later developing executive attention network
(i.e., the anterior cingulate gyrus and lateral prefrontal areas activated during cognitive control) is
responsible for advances in effortful control. EF, on the other hand, is defined as the ability to
regulate behavior consciously toward a goal and is typically measured through behavioral tasks
rather than surveys or parent reports that are common for effortful control(Zelazo et al., 2003).
Although EF focuses on similar inhibitory abilities as effortful control (e.g., Carlson, 2005), EF
also taps into the additional components of working memory (i.e., holding and manipulating
information in mind) and set-shifting (i.e., switching between mental sets, Wiebe et al., 2008;
Wiebe et al., 2011). These component abilities are proposed to share a “common EF”, capturing
the ability to maintain task relevant information and guide lower level processes toward
executing a goal (Miyake & Friedman, 2012). EF emerged out of the cognitive neuroscience
literature with a developmental focus on preschool during which children typically display rapid
development (e.g., Carlson, 2005; Garon et al., 2008), longitudinal stability (e.g., Carlson et al.,
2004; Hughes & Ensor, 2005, 2007) and relations between performance on various behavioral
measures of EF thought to tap into different EF components. Neurological frameworks point to
similar structures implicated in improved effortful control (e.g., development in the prefrontal
cortex and executive attention networks, Garon et al., 2008; Johansson et al., 2015). Further,
accounts have linked these neural processes to neurocognitive skills that involve forming and
reflecting on task-relevant representations necessary to execute pertinent rules (e.g., using
relevant language to represent task problems and help guide behavior activated within the
prefrontal cortex, Zelazo, 2004, 2015). Developmentally, these representational frameworks of
EF suggest that one may trace the origins of a “common EF” to the toddler years with the
development of representation (Miller & Marcovitch, 2015). Thus, research has renewed focus
on the second and third year suggesting that important developments in EF emerge between 12
and 24 months of age (Wiebe et al., 2010)
Potential for Integrating Conceptualizations of EF and Effortful Control
Theoretical Frameworks. Zhou and colleagues (2012) called for an integrated model of
self-regulation bringing together examinations of effortful control and EF, arguing that these
self-regulatory abilities are more similar than different in their examination of component
abilities (e.g., inhibition) and common processes (e.g., attentional mechanisms involved in
conflict monitoring, resolution, and top down processing, see also Bridgett et al., 2015; Bridgett
et al., 2013). Similarly, Nigg (2016) asserted that while effortful control is narrower in scope (i.e.
it does not include complex cognitive strategies such as following sequenced instructions or
predicting future conflicts) than EF, they share many of the same features (e.g., executive
attention) thus likely leading the measures to correlate. Schmidt (2022) argued that EF and
effortful control lack clear separation in some of their measures (e.g., inhibition) and the choice
of which term a researcher uses is based on their developmental approach. Thus, this may lead to
complications, as research findings are not integrated across disciplines. For example, the snack
delay task (i.e., children are asked to wait for a period of time before eating a snack placed in
front of them) has been used to measure both EF and effortful control as the task has been
hypothesized to measure inhibition, working memory, and delay of gratification, subcomponents
of both constructs. They suggest that in order to grasp the similarity and correlative nature of EF
and effortful control, younger ages groups, specifically following the first year of life, should be
the focus of research as EF and effortful control develop rapidly during this time frame. Other
researchers argue that effortful control and EF are not necessarily redundant measures.
Researchers have asserted that unshared elements between the two constructs may allow them to
make distinct contributions to understanding self-regulation (Blair & Razza, 2007; Liew, 2011),
a proposal that aligns with some reseacher’s (Schmidt, 2022; Zhou 2011; Nigg, 2016) suggestion
that integrated models should examine effortful control and EF together to help identify common
and distinct elements (see also Miyake et al., 2000, for a similar approach with componential EF
models). Examples of these unshared elements include differences in measurement, as effortful
control typically examines more “hot” affectively driven control that is measured via parent-
report of how children handle common situations within familiar settings (e.g., when told “no”
how often does your child stop an activity quickly, Putnam et al., 2006). EF focuses on more
“cool” cognitive problems (e.g., Zelazo et al., 2003) measured via behavioral problem-solving
tasks typically within a laboratory setting (but see Zhou et al., 2012). In addition, working
memory is more central to the EF literature (Liew, 2011; Zhou et al., 2012), possibly resulting in
different contributions to self-regulation.
Empirical Examinations of the Relationships Between Effortful Control and Executive
Empirically, there is a growing body of research examining relations between effortful
control and EF across the lifespan. For instance, work with adults demonstrated that measures of
effortful control are related to working memory in EF, suggesting these two constructs share
considerable overlap supporting perspectives of integration (Bridgett et al., 2013; Zhou et al.,
2012). There have also been a number of studies that have examined effortful control-EF
relationships during the first 6 years of life.
Research involving data from preschool children have found data supporting the theory
of commonalities and relationships between the construct of EF and effortful control. For
example, Kalin (2021) examined children between the ages of 4 and 6 through both parent report
measures (Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire, ECBQ) and behavioral measures of
effortful control such as the whisper task (children were asked to whisper the names of
characters and were scored based on the number of times they shouted rather than whispered)
and the puzzle box (children were asked to put together a puzzle box without looking at it). This
was compared to measures of working memory such as the backward color span (children were
asked to recall the colors of disks in reverse order), inhibition such as the fruit stroop task
(children were asked to choose an alternate color than the color they were presented), and
shifting through the dimensional change card sorting task (DCCS; children were asked to sort
cards by one of two dimensions that shifted depending on the trial). They found a significant
relationship between children’s performance on behavioral measures of inhibitory control (i.e.,
whisper task and puzzle task) and EF measures of inhibition (fruit stroop). Additionally, there
were significant correlations between parent report measures of effortful control (i.e., the
effortful control subscale of the ECBQ) and behavioral EF measures of shifting (DCCS). Thus,
this work shows some relations between effortful control and EF with some across methodology
(i.e., behavioral vs. parent report). But not all correlations were significant (e.g., inhibition in
effortful control typically correlated with inhibition in EF). In the same way, Schmidt (2022)
found notable correlations between measures of EF and effortful control. Schmidt (2022)
examined 3-6 year olds through an electronic assessment of EF in combination with parent
reported measures of effortful control through ECBQ. They found a significant correlation
between the inhibition measure on the EF assessment and reports of effortful control from the
parent survey. Further, in their cross sectional study with children (6-8 years) and adolescents
(13-14 years), Kim-Spoon and colleagues (2019) examined performance in several behavioral
EF measures-the digit span task (children were asked to recall a set of numbers in reverse order),
DSSC, the number stroop, the wisconsin card sort task (children sort cards by a rule and must
shift their sorting depending on new rules presented), and the multi-source interference task
(children indicate which number is different from the rest). These behavioral EF measures were
compared to parent report measures of effortful control using the CBQ with subscales of
attention focusing, inhibitory control, low intensity pleasure, and perceptual sensitivity, and they
found correlations between EF and effortful control in both age groups. Specifically, they found
that the subcomponents of inhibition and attention control for both constructs were related thus
supporting the idea that EF and effortful control may overlap.
However, it is also important to note that not all studies found a relationship between
effortful control and EF. For example, Weiss (2023) looked at the potential overlap in first,
second, third, fourth, and fifth grade children through a longitudinal study highlighting items
from the Temperament in Middle Childhood Questionnaire (TMCQ) rated by the child’s teacher
to measure effortful control and the DCCS task to behaviorally measure EF in children between
first and fifth grade and found no evidence that the two constructs share a developmental
pathway. That being said, they state the lack of a clear overlap between these measures could be
a result of the extensive gaps between the collection of data as well as teacher-reported data.
In populations of children under the age of two years, not only are the relationships
between EF and effortful control more inconsistent, but there is a significant lack of research on
this age range altogether. A review of the available literature on relations between the constructs
of executive functioning and effortful control resulted in only five articles that looked at effortful
control and EF within the abstracts when a targeted search (conducted April 20, 2023) included
the keywords ((toddler* OR infan*) AND (“Effortful Control”) AND (“executive function” OR
“cognitive control” OF “executive control”)) was conducted across four databases (Psychinfo,
Scopus, Academic Search Premier, and Pubmed, published in English). Further examination of
the articles revealed that two articles examined effortful control and EF, but did not present data
on the relationship between the two (Tu et al., 2022; Neale et al., 2018). Thus, this area of work
is relatively novel.
Gago Galvagno and colleagues (2019) evaluated 60 infants between 18 and 24 months of
age. The researchers utilized a battery of three EF tasks, the A-not-b task with multiple locations
(children were asked to locate toys hidden in one of five locations after they saw where the toy
was hidden), snack delay (children were asked to wait for a cookie that was placed underneath a
cup until the experimenter rand a bell), and spatial reversal task (children were asked to locate a
toy from under one of two cups but had not observed where the toy was hidden). For effortful
control the ECBQ was used to examine the effortful control subscale. Composite EF was
calculated by the average number of tasks passed while composite effortful control was
calculated by the average across the effortful control subscale. Their results found a positive
correlation between composite measures of EF and composite measures of effortful control
measures, suggesting that infants with higher levels of effortful control were also more
successful when completing EF tasks.
Shinya and colleagues conducted a study in 2022 to understand the development of
executive function in preterm and term infants in Japan. A total of 70 infants participated in the
study at 12 and 18 months of age by completing an eye tracking task (children were placed in
front of a monitor that played a short movie clip followed by two white squares and a reward
stimuli, (i.e., a cartoon character), was presented in one of the squares. The reward stimuli was
presented in the same white square for nine trials before it moved to the opposite side of the
screen and eye tracking technology was used to monitor their attention) at 12 months to measure
EF and their parents completed the ECBQ at 18 months to measure effortful control. Results
showed a correlation between incorrect looking on the eye tracking task at 12 months and
inhibitory control as measured through the ECBQ at 18 months. incorrect or correct looking was
not significantly correlated to the other components measured on the ECBQ (i.e., attention
shifting, low intensity pleasure, cuddliness, attention focusing; Shinya, 2022).
Finally, Johansson and colleagues (2015) conducted a longitudinal study with 66 infants
at 12 to 13 months and again at 24 to 25 months to understand the potential interconnectivity
between EF with behavioral measures including eye tracking in the A-not-B task (children’s eyes
were tracked to examine whether they knew where a hidden character was hidden) and parent
report measures of effortful control (effortful control subscale of the ECBQ). The results
demonstrated a significant correlation between effortful control and executive function at age
two, but found no relation at 1 year. They argue this could be due to the lack of cohesion
between EF and effortful control in infancy when compared to older populations or the rapid
development of self regulatory behaviors during the second year suggesting the two may be more
closely related in older infants such as the 24 month olds.
In sum, prior research has suggested that there may be links between effortful control and
EF, but that it may be based on the age of the population with younger age groups showing fewer
relations as the constructs are rapidly developing and not yet cohesive (Galvagno et al., 2019;
Shinya, 2022; Johansson et al., 2015). Some limitations presented themselves in the available
literature such as the general lack of previous literature on the two constructs within the target
age group (24 months of age and younger), small sample sizes (Galvagno et al., 2019; Shinya,
2022), the lack of diversity in populations (Galvagno et al., 2019), and the lack of reliability in
parent report measures (Johansson et al., 2015; Shinya, 2022).
The Present Study
Through the present study, I examined the possible relationships between effortful
control and EF in study of 14 to 24-month-olds to determine if these constructs overlap as
theoretically proposed (Zhou, 2012) and empirically shown in populations older than 2 years
(Bridgett, 2013). I hypothesized that EF and effortful control will share very little overlap within
this age group (Johansson, 2015) due to developmental frameworks proposing the toddler years
as a formative period during which self-regulation demonstrates dramatic growth (Miller &
Marcovitch, 2015; Rothbart al., 2007).
Sixty toddlers aged 14-, 18-, or 24- months (I
=19.24, SD=.435) participated in the in-
lab portion of the data collection and 52 of their respective parents/guardians completed a parent
survey following the appointment. Of the parents who responded, 68.8% identified as Caucasian,
7.8% identified as African American, 6.3% identified as Asian, 4.7% identified as Hispanic,
1.6% identified as another race or ethnicity, and 10.8% chose not to respond when asked the
racial demographics of the primary caregiver. For the racial demographics of the secondary
caregiver, guardians reported 64.1% identified as white, 6.3% identified as African American,
4.7% identified as Asian, 1.6% identified as Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 23.3% chose not
to respond. For the 82.8% who responded, annual household income ranged from less than
$10,000 to over $140,000, and 71.7% reported an annual income of $60,000 or more.
This research was conducted as a two-part study that required children’s in-lab
participation and parents’ report of behavior through an online Qualtrics survey. For the in-lab
portion of the study, children and their parent(s) came into a lab on the University of Mississippi
campus. The children’s parent or guardian completed consent forms and a brief survey about
children’s sleep from the previous night. The experimenter answered any questions and engaged
with the children in a brief warm-up activity before inviting the children to play a series of
games. Depending on the preferences of the children and parents, children were either placed in
a high chair or on the parents' lap to complete the activities. Parents were asked to naturally
redirect the children’s attention to the task in the event that the children engaged with the parent
during a task. Additionally, parents had the option to watch the activities from an adjacent room,
though this was not common. In response to COVID-19, an air purifier was used and researchers
offered to wear face masks and provide facemasks for children, however these were generally
not used and any mask worn by the experimenter was clear to allow children to see facial
expressions and cues. The experimenter then presented the children with a series of 10 tasks in a
fixed order to prevent confounds caused by order effects: (a) multilocation A-not B, (b) imitation
sequence game, (c) delay of gratification task, (d) rule shift game, (e) boxes task, (f) object
retrieval, (g) spatial reversal, (h) imitation sorting task, (i) snack delay task, and (j) theory of
mind task (Miller & Marcovitch, 2015). The fixed order of the tasks alternated between differing
task requirements (e.g., searching, imitating, and waiting) and theorized requirements (e.g.,
working memory, inhibition, and switching). Due to the age group of the selected population,
experimenters maintained a flexible nature with respect to the tasks in the event that one of the
children refused to complete the task (e.g., skipped tasks, revisited tasks, switched hiding
materials). Children were also given breaks as needed. After completing the series of tasks,
parents were asked if they had any questions and were given information about the survey and
gifts for the appointment completion (a $50 gift card and a t-shirt). Email invitations to complete
the survey via Qualtrics were sent out within two days of the initial appointment, and parents
received one reminder email if the survey was not completed. For the purposes of this project, I
only included a subset of data which included 9 of the 10 in-lab behavior measures and the Early
Childhood Behavior Questionnaire (ECBQ) subscales included in the parent survey.
Behavioral Measures of Executive Function
To measure executive function, I utilized a total of 9 tasks that differed in measurement type and
hypothesized task requirements (inhibitory control, working memory, and shifting attention) but
all aligned with the goal of understanding behavior regulation across scenarios. To accommodate
a wide age range and rapid development, all tasks had multiple levels and children progressed to
the next level of a task if they passed an earlier level. A total EF score was calculated by
summing the number of levels passed across all 9 tasks. Figure 1 Provides a depiction of all 9
Figure 1.
Depiction of Nine Executive Function Tasks
Delay of Gratification Object Retrieval Snack Delay
(a) Depictions of Inhibition Tasks
Imitation Sequence Imitation Sorting Boxes
(b) Depictions of Working Memory Tasks
A-not-B Rule Shift Spatial Reversal
(c) Depictions of Shifting Attention Tasks
Inhibitory Control. Children were presented with three tasks thought to measure inhibition, all
of which had two levels. Figure 1a shows a depiction of all the inhibition task materials
Delay of Gratification Task (Kochanska at a., 1998, 2000). During level 1 of the delay
of gratification task, children were taught not to touch an appealing train toy that was placed
within arms reach and were told to instead play with a less appealing caterpillar noise maker.
The train toy was activated for 10 seconds after a delay of 30 seconds and again for twenty
seconds after an additional 30-second delay. If the children inhibited their behavior and did not
touch the train during the entire task, they passed and moved on to level 2. During level 2, a clear
box was presented with a curtain, and the experimenter instructed the children not to peek while
they got a surprise ready. An electronic dog was placed inside where the children could not see
and was activated, making noise continuously for 120 seconds. The children passed the task if
they did not lift the curtain and peek for the entire 120-second increment. Thus scores for this
task ranged from 0 to 2.
Object Retrieval Task (Diamond, 1990; Garon et al., 2014). During the first level of the
object retrieval task, a clear box made of plexiglass was presented with only the back open, and a
pink rattle toy was placed inside. The experimenter asked the children to retrieve the toy; if the
children retrieved the toy in 60 seconds, they moved on to level 2. In level 2, a new clear box
with two clear doors was presented. The pink rattle toy was placed inside using one of the doors,
but that door was then locked and turned to face the child. To pass the task, the children had to
retrieve the toy through the back door within 60 seconds. Thus scores for this task ranged from 0
to 2.
Snack Delay (Kochanska et al., 1996; Bialecka-Pikul et al., 2018). During the snack
delay task, children were instructed not to eat a snack (e.g., Goldfish or Cheerio) that was under
a clear cup until the experimenter told them to; if the children waited 60 seconds, they were
instructed to eat the snack and they moved on to level 2. Level 2 consisted of four trials that
required the children to wait varying lengths of time (10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, and 15
seconds) before eating a snack that was under a clear cup when the experimenter rings a bell.
The children passed level 2 if they successfully waited during all four trials.
Working Memory. Children were presented with three tasks thought to measure
working memory. Figure 1b shows a depiction of all the inhibition task materials.
Imitation Sequence Game (Wiebe & Bauer, 2005; Wiebe et al., 2010). The imitation
sequence game had two levels, which required the children to follow sequenced directions.
During level 1, two 3-step sequences were modeled by the experimenter. The children were then
presented with all the materials needed to complete the target sequence, as well as some
materials from the distractor sequence. If the children completed the three steps of the target
sequence in 90 seconds, they moved on to level 2. In level 2, the children were presented with
two 6-step sequences that were both modeled by the experimenter. The children were then
presented with all the materials to complete the target 6-step sequence and some of the materials
from the distractor sequence. If the children completed the six steps of the target sequence within
90 seconds, they were considered to pass level 2.
Imitation Sorting Task (Alp, 1994; Miller and Marcovitch, 2015). The imitation sorting
task required children to mimic the sorting of toys into their respective buckets over three levels.
Level 1 had five trials during which the experimenter sorted one toy into one bucket. If the
children correctly put the toy in the bucket within 20 seconds, they passed the trial. The children
were considered to pass the level if they passed three of the five trials. During level 2, two toys
were sorted into two buckets over three trials. Children were given up to two attempts for each
trial. If the children correctly put each toy into its respective bucket within 20 seconds, they were
considered to pass the trial. If the children passed two of the three trials, they moved on to level
3. Level 3 also had three trials, with two attempts for each trial; however, the children were now
asked to sort three toys into two buckets. They passed the trial if they correctly sorted the three
toys into the two buckets within two attempts. The children were considered to pass level 3 if
they passed two of the three trials.
Boxes Task (Diamond et al., 1997; Wiebe et al., 2010). The boxes task had two levels
and required the children to search boxes and find toys. During level 1, three different color
boxes with different shaped lids were presented to the child, and the children watched as toys
were placed in all boxes. The experimenter then hid the boxes from the child’s view with a white
foam board for five seconds before inviting the children to look for the toys. The first box the
children touched was considered their selection for search. After each search, the experimenter
occluded the child’s view of the boxes for five seconds with a white board before representing
the boxes and encouraging the children to look for a toy. To pass the task, the children must have
found all three toys without making four consecutive errors (searching in a box that had already
been searched). If the children passed level 1, they moved on to level 2, in which six different
color boxes with six different shaped lids were presented. Again, the children watched as the
experimenter placed toys in each of the boxes before the experimenter blocked the child’s view
for five seconds. The children were then encouraged to look for toys in the boxes. If the children
located all six toys without making four consecutive errors (looking in a box that had already
been searched) they passed level 2.
Shifting Attention. The children were also presented with three tasks thought to measure
shifting attention. Figure 1c shows a depiction of all the inhibition task materials.
Multi Location A-not-B Task (Marcovitch & Zelazo 2006; Miller and Marcovitch,
2011, 2015). During the multi location A-not-B task, an apparatus was presented that contained
five hiding locations. In level 1, the children were shown a toy being hidden in one of the five
locations before a foam board was placed in front of the apparatus to obstruct the child’s view
for 10 seconds. The children were then instructed to find the toy. Level 1 contained three trials
during which the toy was placed in the same location each time. The children were considered to
pass the trial if they located the toy before searching incorrectly four consecutive times and they
were considered to pass level 1 if they passed all three trials hidden at the same location. Level 2
contained one trial in which the children had to find the toy at the new location without making
four consecutive errors to pass. During level 3, the experimenter moved the toy to a new location
and introduced the multistep procedure that had to be completed before children searched for the
toy. This procedure required the children to remove two blocks and move a curtain before they
were able to search for the toy. This level contained six trials during which the children had to
find the toy in the same location six times without four consecutive errors to pass. During level
4, the toy was moved to one more new location and children had to follow the multistep
procedure and locate the toy once without four consecutive errors.
Rule Shift Game (Bernier et al., 2010; Carlson et al., 2004; Zelazo & Resnick, 1991;
Zelazo et al., 1995). The rule shift game contained three levels and required the children to sort
small and large animals into their respective bucket. During level 1, children were presented with
one bucket (the “mommy bucket”) and were asked to put “mommy animals” into the bucket.
They were then presented with six “mommy animals” one at a time and asked where they went.
If the children put five of the six animals into the bucket, they passed level 1 and moved on to
level 2. In level 2, the children were given two buckets (the “mommy bucket” and the “baby
bucket”) and told that “mommy animals” go in the “mommy bucket” and “baby animals” go in
the “baby bucket”. The children were then presented with three “mommy animals” and three
“baby animals” in a fixed order and asked to place them in their respective buckets. The children
passed level 2 if they correctly sorted five of the six animals. During level 3, the children were
introduced to a new rule that required them to put “baby animals” into the “mommy bucket” and
“mommy animals” into the “baby bucket”. The children were then presented with twelve animals
in a fixed order and asked to sort them by the new rule. The children passed level 3 if they
correctly sorted ten of the twelve animals correctly.
Spatial Reversal Task (Epsy et al., 1999). The spatial reversal task had three levels and
required the children to correctly locate the toy under one of two buckets. During level 1, the
experimenter showed the children the two buckets before placing a foam board in front of the
buckets and telling the children they were going to hide a toy. The toy was hidden out of sight of
children. The experimenter removed the foam board after approximately 10 seconds and asked
the children to find their toy. The children were considered to pass the task if they found the toy
on two consecutive trials without six incorrect searches. During level 2 the same protocol was
repeated now for a new location. The children were considered to pass level 2 if they found the
toy on four consecutive trials without six incorrect searches. For level 3, the same protocol was
utilized for a new location and the children passed the level if they found the toy in the new
location once without six incorrect searches.
Parent Report Measures of Effortful Control
Subscales from the Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire (Putnam et al., 2006) were selected
for parents to rate the frequency of their child’s behavior related to effortful control in attentional
focusing (e.g., “When playing alone how often does your child become easily distracted?”),
attentional shifting (e.g., “When you were busy, how often did your child find another activity to
do when asked?”), and inhibitory control (e.g., “When told “no”, how often did your child stop
an activity quickly?”). The effortful control was one of three scales on the 36-question measure
which was answered using a 7-point Linkert scale. Each scale had twelve questions. Higher
scores indicate better control. This scale was originally designed for children between the ages of
18 to 36 months and reliability for these subscales is typically acceptable (.60 < α < .90, see
Putnam et al., 2006).
Descriptive Statistics, Data Reduction and Missing Data
To calculate a composite EF score, I added the highest level passed across all nine tasks
If a child chose not to complete a task, they were assigned a 0 for that respective task (Miller &
Marcovitch, 2015). Missing data was handled in a pairwise deletion fashion. Table 1 presents
descriptive statistics for the behavioral EF tasks and the parent report ECBQ.
Relationship between EF and Effortful Control
To examine the main research question related to the potential relationship between EF
and effortful control, I first conducted bivariate correlations between average ECBQ score and
total number of EF tasks passed. Consistent with my hypothesis, there was not a significant
correlation between parent reports of effortful control and number of EF tasks passed, r(50)=.18,
p=.20, 95% CI [-.06, .47]. I also conducted a Bayseian analysis to examine the evidence for the
alternative and null hypotheses given the data. Bayesian analyses revealed anecdotal evidence
for the null hypothesis BF
There were only two significant relationships between overall effortful control and
performance across the nine EF tasks when examined separately (see Table 2). Overall effortful
control was only related to the highest level passed on the spatial reversal task , r(50)=.297,
p=.03 and snack delay task, r(48)= .45, p=.001. All other correlations were not significant.
When I examined the relationship between the number of EF tasks passed across all EF measures, only 12.5% of the 72 possible correlations
were related r (see Table 2). I found no correlation between the three delay tasks. Within the three working memory tasks, the imitation sequence
task was related to the three boxes task r(56)= .41, p=.001 and the three boxes task was related to the imitation sorting task r(56)= .32, p=.013.
Because there were few correlations across EF and within the component measures of EF and in line with previous research for this age range, I
created a global measure of EF related to the number of EF levels passed across all tasks (Miller & Marvocitch, 2015).
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics for Behavioral EF Tasks and Parent Reported Effortful Control
Effortful Control
Composite EF
Rule Shift
Object Retrieval
Spatial Reversal
Imitation Sorting
Snack Delay
Three Boxes
*Note: EF tasks measurements refer to the highest level passed
Table 2
Correlations Between EF Tasks and Effortful Control
1. Effortful
2. A-not-B
3. Rule Shift
4. Spatial
5. Don’t
6. Object
7. Snack
8. Imitation
9. Three
10. Imitation
The present study examined the association between parent reports of effortful control
and EF performance in toddlers ranging from 14 to 24 months of age. Results support prior
research that shows effortful control and EF share few correlations within the second year of life
(e.g., Johansson et al., 2015). This work may suggest that this period of rapid development may
be responsible for the lack of cohesion between EF and effortful control that I saw in this young
My failure to find a relationship between overall measures of effortful control and EF
supported my hypothesis that there would be little overlap between the two constructs during this
age group. This lack of overlap was not surprising based on the evidence of weak relations
between EF and effortful control prior to preschool years (Johansson, 2015; see also, Schmidt,
2022). However it is important to note that Baysian analyses did not provide strong evidence for
the null, indicating that more research with larger sample sizes could be helpful in better
understanding the relationship between these two constructs.
The lack of significant correlations between effortful control and EF measures could be a
result of several factors. First, it is important to note that effortful control and EF were measured
using different methods as effortful control was measured by parent report and EF was measured
by in-lab behavioral assessments. This could be problematic as parents report the behaviors their
children exhibit at home whereas behavioral measures are conducted in lab settings with optimal
conditions for children’s performance. Each type of measurement also has its limitations, as
some have noted that parent reports may not be an adequate reflection of estimations of
children’s behavior during this young age range (Toplak et al., 2013). Further, due to the optimal
conditions of in-lab behavioral measures, they may fail to generalize to everyday contexts that
children may be accustomed to. While this may explain the lack of connection between effortful
control and EF, prior research suggests the difference in measurement is not the dominant factor
contributing to these results as these methods are typical in studies investigating EF and effortful
control (Galvagno, 2019; Johansson, 2015; Shinya, 2022). Further, research focused on older age
groups with behavioral tasks used to measure EF and parent report data to measure effortful
control have displayed significant correlations between the two (Weiss, 2023; Schmidt, 2022)
highlighting the age-specific nature of the lack of overlap between the constructs.
The lack of evidence supporting the relationships between effortful control and EF align
with the theory that infancy and toddlerhood are distinct age groups wherein development of
self-regulatory measures are rapidly developing thus, little overlap exists between its
subcomponents (Miller & Marcovitch, 2015; Wiebe et al., 2010). EF literature highlights the
development in EF task performance between the ages of 14 and 18 months (Miller and
Marcovitch, 2015), whereas effortful control appears to develop and stabilize after 18 months of
age (Putnam et al., 2006). Due to the small sample size utilized by the current study,
relationships between the different ages were difficult to distinguish, thus future research with
larger sample sizes is needed to further investigate differences based on age.
Though the majority of our results point to a lack of overlap between effortful control and
EF, two significant correlations were found between the parent report measure of effortful
control and individual measures of EF. Both the spatial reversal task and the snack delay task
were both related to the effortful control scale on the ECBQ. The demonstrated relationship
between the snack delay task and the effortful control subscale could be explained due to the task
being a measure of inhibition that directly correlates to a question on the ECBQ (“When asked to
wait for a desirable item, how often does your child wait patiently”; Putnam et al., 2006).
Additionally, when effortful control is measured through in-person tasks as opposed to the parent
report measures such as were used in this study, the snack delay task is a common measure of
effortful control further explaining the correlation between the measures in this study (Yoo et al.,
2021; Neale et al., 2019). The link between the spatial reversal task and the measure of effortful
control, while weaker, may point to an important early-developing link between the two
constructs though more work is needed to investigate this potential relationship.
In sum, evidence suggests that the lack of relationship between effortful control and EF
during this age range may make sense given the lack of development of the two constructs prior
to preschool age (Miller & Marcovitch, 2015; Putnam et al., 2006). While it is important to note
the differences in measurement (i.e., behavior measures and parent reports) that may have
contributed to confounds in data collection, it is also important to note that these varying
methods of measurement may detect slightly different abilities thus enhancing the understanding
of self-regulatory measures such as EF and effortful control. In-lab behaviors allows researchers
to observe behavior under optimal conditions whereas behavior reports allow researchers to
gauge how an individual performs in everyday situations (Toplak et al., 2013), however, future
research should utilize both behavioral and parent-report measures of both EF and effortful
control to more thoroughly understand the role methods of measurement play on the overlapping
nature of the constructs. Additionally, due to the rapidly developing self-regulatory behaviors
during toddlerhood specifically between 14 and 24 months of age (Bridgett et al., 2013; Putnam
et al., 2006), future studies should investigate larger sample sizes and perhaps investigate the
longitudinal developmental pathways between the constructs to better understand how the
independent constructs of EF and effortful control are developing, but also how their relationship
to one another may change across development.
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