Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023–20272 01Creative Ireland Kilkenny
Foreword 02
01 Creative Ireland 2023–2027 04
02 Culture and Creativity in Kilkenny 06
03 The Creative Ireland Vision for Kilkenny 10
04 How The Creative Ireland Programme Works 11
Principles and Values of Creative Communities
05 The Strategic Priorities for Kilkenny 12
06 Implementation by the Kilkenny Culture 14
and Creativity Team
Map of Kilkenny Council Area 15
Cover Image Credits (L to R):
The Second Chamber, Patrick Browne,
Amanda Burke Photography
Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023–202702 03Creative Ireland Kilkenny
County Kilkenny has a proud creative tradition
and abundance of cultural heritage and a rich
natural and built environment, which all together,
contributes to a vibrant creative and cultural sector.
Kilkenny County Council is committed to
supporting all communities in our county to reach
their full potential as creative communities having
positive effects on the health and wellbeing of our
communities, in encouraging social cohesion and
supporting economic growth in the Arts, Tourism
and Creative Industries.
The Cultural Services Team within Kilkenny
County Council played a key role in the development
and implementation of the first Kilkenny Culture and
Creativity Strategy 2018–2022.
Despite the significant challenges of COVID19
over the past two years, the Heritage, Arts, and
Library departments of the local authority have
delivered strong inclusive projects to engage all of
our communities in creative and cultural initiatives.
During periods of isolation and lockdown the
initiatives provided connections for vulnerable
people including door to door library services,
outdoor performances, on–line learning and mental
health supports. The Creative Ireland Programme
has, through its Pillar 2–“Enabling Creativity in Every
Community”, enabled the Cultural Services Team to
build strong foundations in collaborative working with
individuals and agencies across the county. These
collaborations have included the Kilkenny Carlow
Education and Training Board, the HSE, Kilkenny
Childcare, Butler Gallery and many more.
We welcome the certainty of the Creative
Ireland Programme nationally for the period
2023–2027 and the opportunities that it provides
to build on existing programmes and relationships
in our county to embed culture and creativity in all
services areas within Kilkenny County Council.
The contribution that the creative and cultural
sector can make to our collective wellbeing and
our development as an inclusive society has been
seen in recent years and will be developed further.
The continued development of the vibrant and
successful creative Arts and Tourism sectors will
add to the local economy and support sustainable
local jobs. The Cultural Services team recognise
the importance of tourism and visitors to Kilkenny in
supporting and further developing this new strategy
for the next five years.
Cultural heritage and an increasingly vibrant
creative economy can increase the attractiveness
of our county for talent, tourism, and investment.
The role of culture in innovation can deliver new
solutions to social and climate challenges as well as
supporting wellbeing, health, life–long learning and
social cohesion.
Utilising creativity and culture to help
address the challenges of climate change, and to
galvanise climate action and support sustainable
development, will be a key focus of this strategy.
The creative and cultural sector relies on
creative talent as our primary source of value. This
strategy will support the development of such talent
to generate an even more vibrant and successful
sector in the future, where skilled, creative
workers and artists can build sustainable jobs and
contribute to Kilkenny’s continued reputation in
Arts, Creativity, Culture and Heritage, that everyone
can experience, enjoy and learn from.
Pat Fitzpatrick
Cathaoirleach, Kilkenny County Council
Knitted Together 2022 project
- Graiguenamanagh Men’s Shed
members Vincent Doran, Paddy
Corbett & Paddy Flood at work
on the stools. Photograph:
Dylan Vaughan photography
Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023–202704 05Creative Ireland Kilkenny
Creative Ireland
The Creative Ireland Programme is an all–of–
government initiative committed to enhancing
access to, engagement with, and enjoyment
of Irelands culture and creativity. Within the
broad range of available denitions, creativity
is considered as a set of innate abilities and learned
skills; the capacity of individuals and organisations to
transcend accepted ideas and norms and by drawing on
imagination to create new ideas that bring additional
value tohumanactivity.
The vision of the Creative Ireland Programme
2023–2027 is to mainstream creativity in the life
of the nation so that individually and collectively,
in our personal lives and in our institutions, we can
realise our full creative potential thereby promoting
individual, community and national wellbeing.
The Creative Ireland Programme will deliver
through collaboration and partnership promoting
understanding and appreciation of the value of
creativity in all its forms — whether through the
arts, culture, heritage, or technology.
The Creative Ireland Programme will
prioritise its work around five aspects
for the period 2023–2027:
1. Creative Youth
2. Creative Communities
3. Creative Industries
4. Creative Health and Wellbeing
5. Creative Climate Action and Sustainability
Through the Creative Ireland Programme,
Creative Communities supports the partnership
between the Department of Tourism, Culture,
Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, the Department
of Housing, Local Government and Heritage,
and Ireland’s local authorities. This partnership
enables citizens and communities to explore their
culture and creativity at local level and, where
appropriate, leverage that creativity to strengthen
wellbeing, advance social cohesion and support
economic development.
Creative Communities is also innovative in
deploying creativity to achieve greater integration
across targeted policy priorities. This has delivered
new creative engagement initiatives in relation to for
example children and young people, older persons,
climate action, and local economies. Individuals
and communities’ perception about the role and
value of culture and creativity as central to our
wellbeing in its broadest sense is being enhanced.
The opportunity embraced within the Kilkenny
Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023–2027 is
to support people’s participation, inclusion and
expression within communities, and further
strengthen local creative economies.
Cabinet of Curiosities workshop
Cruinniú na nÓg 2022.
Photograph: Roisin O’Sullivan
Seán Mac an sSíthigh and Muiris Ó
Súilleabháin pictured at Knockroe
Passage Tomb as part of the
Second Chamber project 2022.
Photograph: The Second Chamber
Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023–202706 07Creative Ireland Kilkenny
Kilkenny County Council will focus on increasing
and diversifying participation in creativity and
culture. In 2019, a photographic collection of the
aesthetic and design qualities of Kilkenny City’s
traditional shopfronts was delivered by Trevor
Finnegan, and commissioned and co–ordinated by
the Heritage Office.
“The shop has been in my family for generations.
I’m so delighted that the beautiful shopfront
is being photographed as a record for future
generations”–Retailer, Kilkenny City.
This project was intended to increase public
knowledge and awareness of the visual aesthetic
features of Kilkenny shopfronts and inform a
healthy discussion on the character, visual appeal
and cultural heritage that Kilkenny has to offer.
The economic value of culture is also hugely
significant. Culture is a key component to the local
and national economy. It supports communities in
their cultural, economic, and social development. In
2021, the World Craft Council officially accredited
Kilkenny the title of “World Craft Council–World
Craft City and Region” thanks to Made in Kilkenny,
supported by Kilkenny County Council, the Design
and Craft Council Ireland and Cartoon Saloon.
This honorary title has been awarded to four other
cities in Europe in total. It is anticipated that the
World Craft Council network will help to promote
interaction between local Kilkenny crafts and other
creative industries along with highlighting Kilkenny
city and county on a global platform as part of a
network of creative craft cities.
Culture and creativity motivate citizens and
communities to become more engaged in their
surroundings, society, and promotes individual
wellbeing. They are also strong assets for long–term
tourism and creative supports. The Medieval Mile
Museum, based in the medieval 13th century St.
Mary’s Church is an example of this. It opened in
2017 and displays important tombs, artefacts, and
monuments dated from the Middle Ages onwards,
which are available for public viewing. Encouraging
people to participate in cultural and creative
outlets fosters respect, enjoyment, and a greater
Kilkenny is a location rich in cultural heritage
and creativity. Once known as the Capital of
Ireland, it is a city recognised for its medieval
landmarks and its year–round calendar of
festivals, along with its countryside landscape
and native wildlife and plants. Kilkenny’s
culture and creativity are what makes the county
unique, and what gives it its special character
and sense of place, for examplethe passage
tomb of Knockroe, medieval town wall remains
and having the only example in Ireland of a 17th
Century merchant’s house. The history, heritage,
and culture that Kilkenny has to oer are
bountiful, along with its natural biodiversity.
The Creative Ireland Culture and Creativity
Strategy in Kilkenny is overseen by our Cultural
Services Team. The Cultural Services Team
is comprised of the Arts, Heritage, Libraries,
Conservation and Architecture services, with an
ambition that all citizens have equal access to the
range of culture that Kilkenny has to serve. Quoted
by Laura Ní Fhlaibhín: “As a Creative Associate, I
was delighted to have been offered the opportunity
to support a pilot programme with Heritage in
Schools. Funded by Kilkenny County Council, the
Heritage Council & Creative Ireland, the project
centred on Kilkenny’s heritage, emphasizing
biodiversity, and the initiative combined resources
from both the Creative Schools & Heritage in
Schools Programmes. The partnership between
the two programmes worked very successfully, &
eased communication and planning between all
parties”. The Heritage in Schools Visits project
allowed 3,948 primary school children throughout
County Kilkenny to creatively explore and learn
about their local heritage and culture, co–ordinated
by the Heritage–in–Schools programme and the
Heritage Office of Kilkenny County Council. This
project promoted the importance of national
and local heritage in schools across Kilkenny,
Culture and Creativity
in Kilkenny
enabling primary school children who may not
have resources or facilities to engage in their local
heritage to participate.
The Creative Ireland Kilkenny Culture and
Creativity Strategy integrates with themes of
the Kilkenny County Council Cultural Strategy
2018–2022. The Cultural Strategy plan focuses on
the socialand economic value of culture that echo
Kilkenny’s Creative and Culture Strategy. The social
value of culture provides positive outcomes to all
members of our community–it encourages people
to share cultural experiences, to access resources
and education, to become more involved in their
community. It focuses on wellbeing, health and
social cohesion as significant benefits of culture.
Focusing on the wellbeing of our people leads to
healthier communities who become more engaged
with their environment and talents.
There are a variety of culture–based strategies
published by Kilkenny County Council in
collaboration with various organisations:
The Kilkenny County Council Corporate Plan
Kilkenny Age Friendly Strategy Plan 2017–2022
The Kilkenny County Development Plan 2014–
Kilkenny Local Economic and Community Plan
Kilkenny County Councils Tourism Statement of
Strategy 20172022
Healthy Ireland Community Plan 2018–2021
Kilkenny County Councils Tourism Statement of
Strategy 20172022
Creative Ireland Kilkenny has worked alongside
these plans and will ensure that cultural impact
will be central to future plans and policies.
understanding to the value of culture that Kilkenny
has to provide.
The Kilkenny County Library Service plays
a formative role in the development of creative
communities. Our library service focuses on an
intergenerational approach and encourages the
social value of culture by providing access to public
spaces in eight areas of Kilkenny City and County.
It aims to enhance the lives of the communities in
Kilkenny and encourage culture, lifelong learning,
and imagination. The Kilkenny City Mayfair Library
is due to be opened in 2023. Located within the
former Smithwicks Brewery site, it is anticipated
that this new library will include dedicated areas
for access to culture, heritage, local studies, online
resources, multi–cultural, and social inclusion
programmes. Bookville, facilitated by the Kilkenny
Library Service and Kilkenny Arts Office is an
exciting book festival orientated towards children
and families. Feedback from parents and teachers
surround Bookville events are as follows;
“The variety of workshops offered has been
great. The boys loved the creativity and the
intimate nature of the sessions, it has been great
for their learning and promoting curiosity in
discovering new things.
Kilkenny is fortunate to have a wide range of cultural
and artistic infrastructure; Evans Home Butler
Gallery, the Watergate Theatre, the Medieval Mile
Museum, Barnstorm Theatre Company, Ballykeefe
Amphitheatre and the Young Irish Filmmakers to
name a few. Kilkenny County Council is proud to
have a strong alliance with these organisations
and to provide a diverse arts environment
around Kilkenny City and County. Creative
Ireland Kilkenny will continue to ensure that Arts,
Culture and Creativity will all be co–ordinated as
a driving force for the county making a positive
contribution towards inclusive social and economic
development recognising the societal right that all
citizens have access to these opportunities.
The Creative Ireland Programme has made
substantial impact across Kilkenny in the last five
Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023–2027 09Creative Ireland Kilkenny08 Creative Ireland Kilkenny
years. The total Creative Communities investment
between 2018–2022 amounted to €834,305. This
funding has given access to over 100 projects
being held throughout Kilkenny. The programme
has dismantled barriers and encouraged inclusive
access and participation across all age groups and
communities in Kilkenny.
One particular project funded by the Creative
Ireland Programme, Knitted Together–is now in
its third year. This project enables us to work with
a diverse range of groups and individuals across
the county and beyond, focussing on the older
generation and intergenerational activity. To date
we have engaged with over 400 participants,
resulting in hundreds of beautifully knitted and
crocheted blankets being created. All of the
blankets were, in turn, donated to local charity
shops to raise much needed funds. The ambition
to foster community spirit and connection and to
mitigate against the effects of social isolation was
further elevated in 2022 as it was the first year of
the project where groups and individuals were able
to gather together to create without restriction.
This was facilitated by hosting a number of very
successful Maker–Meet–Ups. These sessions are
designed to support and encourage participants
involved in the project and to ensure they get to
socialise, to exchange skills and ideas and enjoy
creating together.
The activity of making is the constant in this
project, the foundation from which many positive
factors will emerge, supporting positive ageing
by creating social connections, skill exchanges,
positive reinforcements and friendships. Whilst
there will be joy and appreciation for the finished
items, the emphasis and benefits lie in the process.
“Knitted Together was amazing. We held a coffee
morning so people could pop in and discuss the
blankets. It raised awareness about the shop
too”.Rachel, NCBI Charity Shop, Castlecomer.
The Heritage, Arts, and Library services within
Kilkenny County Council, working with many
other stakeholders across Kilkenny have very
effectively achieved engagement in creativity
and culture amongst marginalised groups in our
society. A creative writing initiative that ran in 2021,
developed by award winning writer and poet Colm
Keegan, called The Writing Home Programme,
promoted creative engagement specifically
for homelessness service users and providers.
The six–week workshop programme received
funding and support from the Creative Ireland
Kilkenny programme. By promoting engagement
with creativity within marginalised groups this
programme promoted self–expression and enabled
those in emergency accommodation to recognise
their creative contribution to society. Organiser
Colm said:
At times the work shared was incredible, other
times truly heart–breaking, but to work through
the whole process, from participants saying they
didn’t see themselves as artists to six sessions
later, standing up and celebrating their powerful
work at the end, either on stage, to camera or
in print, it was always inspiring, especially given
the incredibly difficult circumstances. Making
art is a transformative process that profoundly
impacts the individual, but it can go even further
than that. I believe this transformative process
could be used to improve a multitude of systems
in Ireland, especially those tasked with caring for
people in challenging circumstances. Initiatives
like this, help systems not just to function better,
but to understand those they serve better.
This documentary aims to bear witness to that
process, and to advocate for this approach.
This project has been recognised for its educational
and training initiative by the local government
All Ireland Community and Council Awards by
receiving a gold award in 2021. Engaging with
groups who have never previously had a creative
experience is transformative and has been
achieved in Kilkenny.
The Kilkenny Creative Ireland Programme
will focus on the wellbeing of our citizens and
communities across the whole Kilkenny region.
It will share the responsibility of enabling access,
engagement and participation of culture and
creativity and ensure that Kilkenny is a region that
supports and encourages the creative wellbeing of
its people. The Cultural Services Team of Kilkenny
Knitted Together Launch 2022 –
Grandmother Monica Dunne and
her grandchildren Lucy Hayes (9)
and Billy Hayes (5). Photograph:
Patrick Browne
County Council will continue to embed creativity in
policy in collaboration with its mission of “Creating
and sustaining great places and communities.
The Creative Ireland programme has enabled
access, engagement and participation in creativity
and culture, ensuring that Kilkenny is a county that
supports and encourages the creative wellbeing of
its people, particularly through the challenges of the
COVID–,19 pandemic.
Innovative projects delivered in collaboration
with artists, makers, educators, state agencies and
voluntary groups have provided positive impacts
for a huge number of people living and visiting our
county. It is our ambition to expand those positive
impacts through integrated policies, increased
collaboration, and investment in the creative and
cultural sector going forward.
The Healthy Kilkenny programme aims to
create resilient communities, improve the health
and wellbeing of our citizens, and reduce health
inequalities in the most disadvantaged areas in
Kilkenny. The Healthy Kilkenny programme will
continue to work in collaboration with Creative
Ireland to target hard to reach groups with the
shared objective to create resilient, creative, and
healthy communities.
Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023–202710 11Creative Ireland Kilkenny
Kilkenny’s Creative Ireland Programme aims to
empower creatives and communities to express
creativity throughout society and relevant
programmes and policies. Its vision is that every
person living in Kilkenny will have the opportunity
to fully realise his or her creative potential. This
Creative Ireland vision is also integral to Kilkenny
County Councils current plan: “Kilkenny County
Council Cultural Strategy 2018–2022” and future
programmes. This plan identies ve strategic
priorities with clear objectives to full the
Councils creative vision for Kilkenny:
Enable best practice delivery of culture
and creativity
Increase and diversify participation in culture
and creativity
Support culture and creativity in rural and
urban areas
Engage children and young people in culture
and creativity
Communicate the value of culture and creativity
These strategic priorities will enable the Cultural
Services team to concentrate on areas which will
lead to a more integrated cultural offering into the
future. These actions promote participation in our
culture and creativity across all age, social, and
socioeconomic groups of Kilkenny, and encourage
the best practice in the delivery of culture. Kilkenny
is currently reviewing its Local Economic and
Community Plan (LECP) and has brought forward
these objectives in drafting up this new plan for all
sectors in Kilkenny. Similarly, the Creative vision
for Kilkenny has been referenced in our Traveller
Action Plan, Active Travel Plan, Healthy Ireland
Kilkenny Plan, Migration Action Plan and Corporate
Plan, to ensure more co–ordinated creative
outcomes for all communities in its county.
The Creative Ireland
Vision for Kilkenny
We believe that creativity and culture are deeply
connected, but they are different. Creativity is the
process where, either individually or with others,
we make something new. Culture comes from that
creative process and allows us to encounter things
in the world that define places and people, like
museums, galleries, festivals and events, waterways
and castles, digital spaces and musical awakenings.
Creativity and culture together help us to make
sense of ourselves, of each other and of the world
around us.
The Kilkenny Culture and Creativity Team will
be broadened to include all service areas within
the local authority and will engage directly with
other communities and stakeholders across the
county who form a vibrant creative and cultural
sector, outside of the local authority. Close co–
ordination of activities either by private companies,
individuals or state agencies will help to recognise
and champion creative activities and cultural
experiences for people living in and visiting every
town and village in Kilkenny.
It is envisaged that encouraging engagement
with our natural environment will foster the
development of creative solutions at local
level to impact climate change. Closer working
relationships with our Local Enterprise Office and
existing creative enterprises will grow the creative
and cultural economy going forward.
By 2027, we want Kilkenny to be a county
where the creativity of everyone is valued and given
the chance to flourish, where everyone has access
to a range of high quality and participative
cultural experiences.
Creative Communities will continue to support
local authorities as a wellbeing strategy through:
Policy — Working in partnership across
government supporting local authorities to
deliver relevant local, regional, and national
policies and priorities;
Practice — Flexible, cross–cutting Culture
and Creativity Teams providing an agile and
adaptable approach central to the delivery of
Creative Communities as it addresses locally–
relevant priorities;
Participation — Providing more opportunities
for people to engage with and enjoy culture and
creativity at local level in ways that underpin
equality of access; and
Partnership — Between central and local
government, and Kilkenny County Council and
our local culture and creative sectors.
This approach is based on addressing
a shared, strategic agenda while delivering on
the challenges and opportunities unique to each
local authority area.
The Creative Communities partnership
will be delivered in line with the following
principles and values:
i. Broaden access to, and participation in,
cultural and creative activities locally.
ii. Use culture and creativity as a catalyst for
collaboration and innovation in achieving
greater wellbeing, social cohesion, and
economic development.
iii. Strengthen the capacity of local authorities
to integrate culture and creativity across
place–making, regeneration, renewal, and the
development of more vibrant, creative, and
sustainable places.
iv. Investing in culture and creativity to support
environmental, social, and economic returns
that help deliver local authority agendas — from
local and regional, to national and international.
v. Build on the agility and integrated approach of
Culture and Creativity Teams to sustain further
delivery of targeted collaborative programmes.
How The Creative Ireland Programme Works
Principles and Values of Creative Communities
Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023–202712 13Creative Ireland Kilkenny
Vibrant communities:
Promote active participation in creativity and
culture across all ages, communities and
abilities in our county.
Support the development of skills and talents
in the creative and cultural sector through
education, training and new enterprise and
investment opportunities.
Expand our Cultural and Creativity Team and
actively engage with other agencies and bodies
and individuals operating in the creative and
cultural sector on a regular basis to co–ordinate
actions for the county.
Town Centre First:
Kilkenny County Council’s contribution will be
aligned to the Creative Ireland Programme.
Regeneration projects will be focused on
investment in both tangible and intangible
resources and supports. Kilkenny County Council
will continue to invest in tangible infrastructure to
support creativity and culture and to protect our
collective heritage including museums, theatres,
civic spaces, public infrastructure, and parks.
Investment in intangible resources including
artists, creatives, local services, and tourist
experiences will be supported to strengthen
Kilkenny’s creative and cultural sector.
Towns and villages are made up of a rich
tapestry of people, places, heritage, and
culture Kilkenny County Council will work to
build cohesive and creative communities and
facilities within the existing natural and built
environment of our settlements.
Climate Action:
Harnessing the potential of culture and
creativity to help galvanise climate action
in County Kilkenny will be a key focus of the
Kilkenny Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023–
2027. Kilkenny County Council recognises
that Culture and Creativity can meaningfully
connect people with the profound changes that
are happening in our environment, society and
economy arising from climate change, and can
help transform that connection into behaviour
change or climate action
The Council will encourage creative and
cultural projects which align with the aims
and objectives of the five–year County
Kilkenny Climate Action Plan 2023–2026,
currently in preparation. Themes may
include, but are not limited to, the following:
emissions, energy, climate justice, the circular
economy, Sustainable Development Goals,
decarbonisation, nature–based solutions, green
infrastructure, transport, recording culture
threatened by climate–induced managed
retreat etc.
Creative solutions will deliver active
participation in climate change initiatives.
Kilkenny County Council will encourage
community engagement with environmental
Local Economic Development:
At the heart of every creative district beats the
pulse of its creative economy. Kilkenny County
Council will develop opportunities to establish
sustainable creative enterprises, to support full
time artists, and to attract investment in our
existing creative industries.
Culture and heritage define Kilkenny as a
destination and Kilkenny County Council will
actively support initiatives to allow residents
and visitors to have quality cultural experiences
through the promotion and interpretation
of heritage sites and the provision of quality
cultural events and festivals, museums, and
destination visitor experiences.
The Culture and Creativity Team in Kilkenny
have reviewed the outputs of the Creative
Ireland Programme over the last ve years and
have recognised the strong achievements in
engagement with diverse and marginalised
groups in our county, the development of inter–
generational programmes and the creation of
strong online content, accessible to all. Building
on these strengths in delivery, the next Creative
Ireland Programme in Kilkenny will endeavour
to improve accessibility and develop the creative
economy through closer co–ordination of all
activities and initiatives within the creative and
cultural sector.
As part of a consultation process to engage with all
stakeholders and to prioritise the areas for action,
these high–level priorities of the Creative Ireland
Programme are reflected in the priorities listed
hereunder. These priorities were circulated within
all sections of the local authority and stakeholders
across the county as part of a consultation process
to prioritise the areas for action in the Kilkenny
Creative Ireland Programme 2023 to 2027.
Making counties great places to live, work, visit
and invest in
Climate action (including sustainable/ active
travel) and biodiversity
Local economic development
Attracting inward investment
Town Centre First (Challenges to retail
economy) and/ or rural economy
Changing population /demographics
Post–COVID renewal and resilient communities
Digitalisation and ongoing transformation
The Strategic Priorities
for Kilkenny
Based on the preliminary results of the 2022
Census, 103,685 people currently live in County
Kilkenny.1 Data from the 2022 Census is not
yet available regarding the age demographics
of Kilkenny, however in the 2016 Census, young
people (aged 0–24) stood at 32,977 with 25,944
aged under 18. With the notable elderly dependency
rates and higher youth category it is important to
take this into account for our strategic priorities.
Having learned from the successes of previous
projects in Kilkenny and identified the need for
improved collaboration and co–ordination with
areas such as enterprise, tourism, and climate
action to embed the creative and cultural sector
in all aspects of life in Kilkenny, additional focus
is placed on broader stakeholder and citizen
engagement, policy development and co–ordinated
resourcing in our next programme.
Kilkenny is home to the Design and Craft
Council of Ireland, the Heritage Council, the Butler
Gallery, the Watergate Theatre, Cartoon Saloon,
and the Kilkenny Arts Festival and other festivals.
All of these entities play an important part
in defining Kilkenny’s reputation as an attractive
location for people to develop cultural and creative
enterprise, to visit for a cultural and creative
experience and to celebrate our natural and built
Increased engagement with all such
stakeholders will allow the creative and cultural
agenda to infiltrate all policy areas and investment
proposals in the coming years.
The empowerment of all residents in Kilkenny
to increase participation in cultural and creative
programmes and opportunities does contribute
to social cohesion, wellbeing and integration and
it is proposed to promote increased engagement
through collaboration and accessibility to
programmes for all.
It is the strategic objective of Kilkenny County
Council to strengthen creativity in all areas across
our county through the following objectives:
Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023–202714 15Creative Ireland Kilkenny
Map of Kilkenny
Kilkenny has a Culture and Creativity Team
in place to guide and oversee implementation
of this Strategy.
The Culture and Creativity Teams are the
cornerstone of Creative Communities across
all thirty–one local authorities in Ireland. These
teams bring together a significant range and
level of expertise. In many cases, include
professionals from architecture, archives, the
arts, climate action, community, enterprise and
environmental development, heritage, information
and communication technologies, Irish language,
libraries, spatial planning, tourism and more. This
depth of technical expertise affords each local
authority a level of insight, resources, and delivery
experience which few other public or private sector
organisations can match.
The role of this team is to:
Provide a collective forum for the ambition of
culture and creativity within the local authority;
Focus on diversity and inclusivity and enable
harder to reach communities to participate in
cultural and creative activities;
Build on existing in–house expertise and
strategies across areas of wellbeing, social
cohesion, and economic development to
leverage culture and creativity to deliver on
targeted local authority agendas.;
Enable a shift in how the cultural and creative
sector is valued within and across local
authorities and ensure that culture and
creativity is embedded across local authority
plans, policies, and project teams;
Implementation by the Kilkenny
Culture and Creativity Team
Drive cross–collaborative actions that support
change and positive outcomes locally, and
potentially between local authorities at
regional level;
Be innovative and take risks–try new projects
and new ways of working.
The delivery of the Strategy is led by the Director
of Services for Community, Library, Arts, Heritage
and Fire Service and the members of the Culture
and Creativity Team for Kilkenny County Council,
including Senior Executive Officer, Arts Officer,
County Librarian, Heritage Officer, Climate
Action Officer, Biodiversity Officer, Tourism
Officer, Architectural Conservation Officer,
Executive Architect, Healthy Kilkenny Co–
Ordinator, Community Worker, Senior Enterprise
Development Officer, Environmental Awareness
Officer, Communications and Corporate Officer,
and the Environmental Project Worker.
These structures and processes are a critical
success factor that will enable Creative
Communities to deliver on strategic priorities for
Kilkenny County Council for 2023–2027.
Culture and Creativity Strategy 2023–202716 17Creative Ireland Kilkenny
A Government of Ireland Initiative.
Tionscnamh de chuid Rialtas na hÉireann.
18 Creative Ireland Kilkenny
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Inspiring and transforming people,
places and communities through creativity.